
Amazon Prime Members: unlimited Full Res Photo Storage

Here is the latest report that Amazon has announced the unlimited full resolution photo image storage for their all prime members in Amazon cloud...

Disney Movies Anywhere For Android Devices

Now people are able to watch their purchased movie titles by using "Disney Movie Anywhere" service on their android devices. Recently, Walt Disney and...

Unify Defines and Delivers a New Industry Category for the New Way to Work and Promises a Radical Shift in the Human Work Experience

Munich and Boca Raton, FL – Oct. 28, 2014: After two years of intensive study of people and work and the impact of technology...

5 Advantages Of Online Shopping

We all know that online has become the most popular medium of shopping everywhere in the world, if not among the entire population, then...

Sponsored Video: Toyota’s Vision To Change The World With Hybrid Technology

Editor’s Note: This post has been sponsored by Toyota, but all thoughts are our own. As we all know that Toyota, a leading automobile manufacturer...

Why iPads are facing unfair comparisons

The iPad Air 2 seems to be an improvement over the old models instead of being a new product by Apple. The thing is...

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