Nowadays buying a better car in terms of every aspect is quite a complex task because it requires loads of attention before purchasing the one and it is mandatory for the customer to check every single feature and specification of a car which includes its fuel efficiency, safety features, mileage and other specs. But unfortunately these inspections are not enough to make a smart buy for a better car because in today’s scenario buying a car is not an easy task as it demands pretty good amount of money from your pocket which eventually leave you with low bank balance because even a cheap car in India amounts for Rs 2,00,000 approx. But have you ever thought “How to get rid of this problem” So this article is the solution to your query! Here’s how?
On contrary, Internet has changed our way of shopping whether it is to purchase a pen, clothes, grocery products or an expensive laptop, we are accessed to all daily needs products for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 30 days a month and 365 days a year even in a country like India with the arrival of brands such as Ebay, Amazon, Foodpanda etc. And we have seen the evolution of domestic brands as well in online retail sector which includes Flipkart, Snapdeal, Jabong with big funding support by many national and international venture capitalists.
Interestingly we are capable of buying everything from a retailer site whether it is to purchase a food product, clothes, accessory, jewelry, furniture, mobile or anything else. But still no online retailer is providing the facility to purchase a car, bike or any other vehicle. Here online classified portals plays the significant role and that is where you can encounter the difference between an online retailer site and an online classified site because online classified portals use to offer everything from pets, real estate to cars & bikes at lower price which is less than market price. Luckily online classifieds are the most popular stream of online shopping in India with the arrival of brands like Quikr that has changed the way of buying and selling in last five years. But you might be heard of the fact that each and every element has its own positive as well as negative points so online classified carries some negatives as well like here things are different in comparison to any retailer site because online classified portals won’t allow you to purchasing anything on one click rather you have to contact buyer or seller to buy or sell a product which sometimes put you in the messed situation as you have to disclose your contact number with buyer (in case you have to sell your product) and in most of the cases things doesn’t go well as buyer used to ask stupid questions as well and many times your contact number are vulnerable to spam attacks as well which eventually result in wastage of time for both buyers as well as sellers with no result.
These kind of situations germinates when you are about to sell products like car, bike etc because then buyer is forced to ask loads of question as few products naturally demand various inquiries from the customer or a buyer. But here Quikr came out with the quick fix and permanent solution to this problem and solution’s name is “Quickr NXT” which is alternative to disclosing a contact number where buyer and seller are able to chat with each other at their convenience and request more details about the products or service, without requiring a single phone call where seller can also share screenshot of the product and they can maintain the record of their chat history as well.
And here is the conclusion of the article, If I am allowed to purchase a better and superior car by replacing my existing one so then i will definitely going to utilize the Quikr NXT feature of Quikr and will try to convince the owner of the car that I want to purchase by sending him the pictures of my existing car and highlighting the mainstream feature of my car.
If I would have the opportunity to grab the deal via Quikr NXT so here how it goes:
Me: Hi Sir, I was going through the for the car that I wanted to purchase and found that you have listed it for Rs 400,000 so please will you elaborate more about the car
Seller: Yes, of course, my car is in good condition in every aspect whether it is related to its fuel efficiency, interior condition, mileage etc all are good.
Me: So what is the expected mileage of your car?
Seller: It is capable of giving 15 Kmph on an average.
Me: Sir will you please send me the picture of each and every area of your car so that I will be more satisfied and it would be helpful for me and will help me in making my final decision.
Seller: Yes I will do, here it goes (Picture of the car***************)
Me: As you are the owner of my dream car so for my personal knowledge, I would like to ask you “What will be your personal preference when you are going to buy a new one for you and what do you expect from your car in terms of features”.
Seller: Hmmm, I would say its mileage, comfort and outlook matters a lot to me and these factors make a complete car. So these things are essential to me if I would purchase one for me.
Me: That’s great! Sir thanks for cooperating with me and I would be happy to purchase your car but only if you will settle it for Rs 200,000. In addition to this, I will be able to compensate you with my existing car which is in usable and good condition and has features which includes 20 Kmph of mileage and it is in good condition as well.
Here is the (picture of my car ***************)
Seller: I think that would be probably a good deal, okay let me know the time and place where you are able to meet for the completion of the deal.
Me: Okay lets me Tomorrow morning on my place! will see you tomorrow and here is my residential address (A Block***********Delhi-1100**)
Seller: Will see you then.