In just a few years, Instagram has become a name to reckon with among various popular social media networking platforms. In fact, the number of people from around the world who are active users of this popular photo-sharing social media networking application exceeds 800 million. Experts say this figure is likely to continue its upward trend in the years to come. This should give you enough reason as an entrepreneur of a small online business to make it a critical part of your overall social media marketing strategy.
3 Key Reasons for having an active business profile on Instagram
Experts specializing in this field point out that almost every popular social media networking channel on the internet has its inherent characteristics. For instance, it is possible for a subscriber to express what he/she wants to say in 280 characters using Twitter. On the other hand, this same person can convey an identical message in a 6-minute video on Vine. On Instagram, an active user has to make use of square images. This implies that you can showcase your creativity on this trendy photo-sharing social media application by capturing eye-catching snapshots and videos of your products within these square images. They go on to explain the following three key reasons why it is essential for your business to have an active profile on Instagram:
- Visual images result in higher lead conversion rates
You have probably heard the phrase ‘a picture can convey a thousand words.’ With Instagram, you can use this concept to attract the attention of your target audience to the brand products or services you are offering to sell them in the marketplace. After all, no one can deny people of all ages love to see visually appealing snapshots and videos rather than reading up boring content. This makes it an ideal platform you to market your brand products to potential online customers and followers for Instagram.
- Social media networking platform for people of all ages
You probably know that youngsters are active subscribers on Snapchat while successful working professionals prefer to maintain a profile on LinkedIn. Similarly, some other popular social media networking platforms cater to a specific audience. However, this is not the case with Instagram. This trendy social media photo-sharing application in popularity among online browsers from a diverse background, ethnicity, and age-groups. After all, every human being loves to see pictures.
- Need to focus on quality rather than quantity
Since its inception, Instagram makes it easy for anyone to take a snapshot with his/her smartphone and upload on this social media networking platform. In many online marketers fall into the trap of uploading numerous photos of products they want to sell to the public without paying attention to quality. To stand out from the crowd, you need to ensure the image of the products you intend to sell are flawless and eye-catching.
Instagram has over 800 million active users, and it makes perfect business sense to maintain an active profile on this social media networking platform. The above three key reasons should be enough to convince you that this is a prudent step for you to take. After all, your objective is to attract more customers to your online business.
Author Bio: Craig Fox is a digital marketing specialist who helps clients to increase followers for Instagram with affordable social media strategies and plans that result in increased traffic and lead conversions.