Tips To Turn Your Good Mornings Into Gold Mornings

As we all know that the mornings are the most vibrant portion of our daily life. Having said that, everyone of us has a certain set of morning routines that we follow rigorously. But when I say morning then it doesn’t mean 9 O’clock or something, See if you want extract most out of your morning then it has to be the ‘early morning’ say 6 O’clock. If you want to make your mornings productive, then stick to the rule of being an early morning person because early morning is a significant aspect that can affect rest of our day. As many of you must have noticed that when a day begins with idleness and drowsiness, it would evidently reflect as a negative essence in the rest of the day. On a contrary, when our day starts with recency and freshness, it would indeed reflect definitive approach in the rest of the day. Therefore, we should treat our mornings as a deity and try to convert our good mornings into gold mornings.

Here is my mantra of making good mornings into gold mornings that can help you in extracting most out of it.

1. Wake up early 

That’s the most important habit you should adopt, you see early risers are the most successful in the world. In addition to this, studies show that early risers bend to be more optimistic, and melt down the complications more proficiently than the mediocre one. You must be surprised to know that sleeping early and waking up early makes body receptive thus stimulating more restorative sleep.

2. Drink a glass of water

I know it might seem an arduous task to perform in the morning, but that’s the first things I do in morning. We all are aware of benefits that are associated with drinking sufficient water in empty stomach but many times we tend to complicate things when it comes to taking care of our health. There are various pros affiliated with drinking water in an empty tummy, such as cleaning the stomach and reducing the risk of a number of diseases that includes cancer. At first, it purifies the colon and reforms the stomach’s chances to absorb nutrient correctly. It is also beneficial in making your skin glow, as water remove the toxins from the blood. Other than that, drinking water also improves the composition of new blood cell as well as muscle cells and assists you in losing weight.

3. Brush your tooth properly

When I say ‘properly’ then you have to understand that there are certain ethics which are associated with cleaning up teeth. As far as I know, all of us are aware of the fact that brushing your teeth in the morning is a must do, and amazingly, a majority of people strictly follow this ritual. But shockingly only half of the people has healthy teeth with no oral problems while the rest of them have been suffering from certain dental issues. That happens because many of us don’t use an ideal size of a toothbrush, quality paste, or even tongue cleaner to take care of oral hygiene.

If you ask me then I would say I brush my teeth with Colgate 360 Charcoal gold toothbrush as its structure suits my mouth,  it is made of soft bristles and apparently makes my morning into #Colgate360GoldMornings. Thus, I would recommend you folks to opt your toothbrush wisely so that it uplifts the level of your oral care.

4. Do some exercise 

Engaging yourself in physical activities like walking, running, or playing a game in the morning will result in renovating your productivity as this will make you more energized, optimized, focused, and organized. Apart from that, exercise is considered as one of the biggest contributors to effective personal creativity. By working out in the morning, you will have extra energy throughout the day, and you won’t be affected by stressful event at the workplace.

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