Lowering Cart Abandonment with Consumer Trust & Confidence [Infographic]

Editor’s Note: This article is originally appeared on TrustedCompany.com

Do you run an online shop? If so, you’re probably losing money right now!

Why? Simply, because certain users are eager to purchase your products or services, but in the last minute decide not to do so! This phenomenon is called ‘Cart Abandonment’ and is causing a great deal of pain for almost any online business.

How much pain? In average, 67.9% of shopping carts are abandoned. In other words, for every 100 potential customers, 68 of them will leave the site without purchasing. In terms of revenue this means that for every USD 100 revenue you make, you’re losing USD 312 at the same time due to Cart Abandonment!

But there is good news, too: There are a few strategies that can substantially minimize your cart abandonment and increase your revenue! See the infographic below!


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