How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Quality Assurance Tester on an Hourly Basis?

Quality assurance (QA) is a substantial part of the product crafting process, which some business owners often misprize. The higher the qualification and experience of a QA expert are, the better the results of a project. This article analyzes the expenses for QA specialists and factors that impact them.

Location Factor and Its Impact on the Salary of QA Tester

High-class QA testers cost plenty of money. The demand for them has been increasing daily
according to the growth of modern software. Over a thousand applications come into the world every day. The trendiest labor exchange sites, Indoor and Glassdoor, represent the year salaries in the range of 70 to 100 thousand USD, and it is not the limit.
The salaries for corporate employees are significantly higher than for independent workers by approximately three times. The difference has a grounded explanation. A business owner must not provide any accommodation for freelancers or cover travel costs. A middle hourly rate is lower.
Training courses, salary increases, taxes are absent as well.
At the same time, the quality of work between freelancers and employed may not significantly vary. Finding a high-class QA specialist, who provides web test automation on the Internet, is tangible.

Salaries of QA Testers over the Globe

Software testing engineers in the USA, the United Kingdom, and Australia are the most expensive. Giant companies, such as American Express and Apple, pay them over 50 USD per hour (over 100 thousand USD per year). Less loud companies settle lower rates.
European prices for QA testers are more loyal. They are about:
30 thousand USD per year in the UK
43 thousand USD per year in Germany
36 thousand USD per year in France
19 thousand USD per year in Eastern Europe
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Final Words

The decision about hiring a QA tester at the most reasonable price depends on the scope of tasks that a businessman plans for each particular organization. Weighting the scope of work and the factors provided in this article, you can make the right choice.


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