Embracing Togetherness (At a Distance): Safely Planning a Family Reunion During COVID-19

With social distancing expected to last many more months thanks to COVID-19, it’s time to figure out how to live life in such a setting. Waiting for it to disappear won’t work — countries can only safely ease measures every 80 days, according to reports, and that easing is in stags. 

That means social distancing may last well into 2021.

Planning a family reunion during this time may seem like an impossible task, which is devastating for those who miss their loved ones.

It doesn’t have to be like that though. It’s possible to have one even while practicing careful social distancing measures.

Here are some tips for planning a family reunion safely. 

Keep the Invite List Small

Before, a family gathering might have involved a hundred or more people, with bloodlines extending in every direction!

Now the most important thing is keeping the invite list small. 

Limit it to a few close guests, and plan multiple different gatherings if need be. This will limit the spread of the virus. 

Do not invite any vulnerable members of the family, whether they are immunocompromised or elderly. These factors make COVID-19 more dangerous to them.

Plan the Venue Carefully

Plan for a venue that’s large enough to social distance. Having it at someone’s small home simply won’t do — you need a place where you can all spread out, such as Midlothian Conference Center in Texas!

Or you could have your gathering outdoors, providing the weather suits.

If all else fails, a virtual family reunion could work too. Get everyone together on Zoom for some food, drinks, and games, and you might just find you have as good a time as if you were in the same room.

Always Bring a Mask

Even though you’re going to be around family, it’s essential to wear a mask.

When eating and drinking, you can separate yourself from others and take the mask off, but when conversing with less than six feet of space between you, it should be on.

Store your mask in a ziplock bag to keep it away from virus contamination and when in doubt, wear it. The staff of the venue will thank you, as well as family members. 

No Physical Contact

You haven’t seen your family members in a long time and might be tempted to embrace them, or even just shake their hand. However difficult it is, you should resist.

The virus is not airborne, so staying away from family members meaning it has far less a chance of spreading. By not making any physical contact with them, you’re limiting the spread effectively.

Planning a Family Reunion in These Times Is Possible!

It can seem impossible to know how to plan a family reunion in an era of social distancing. Planning a family reunion to remember, however, is easier than you might think.

You just have to take into account social distancing guidelines. It may not be the style of family gathering you remember, but it can still be awesome.

For more important life tips, check out the rest of our blog!

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