
Why You Should Be Getting Excited About HDR Television

It seems like every few years, the makers of televisions come up with something brand new they are sure you'll rush to the store...

The Impact Wearable Tech is Having on Healthcare

From smartwatches and tracking devices to clip-on fitness monitors and GPS-enabled smartphones, there are more ways to track your fitness – and your health...

Sponsored Video: Wash Happy With Samsung’s Activ DualWash

As we all know that technology has changed the way how we live our everyday life majorly; Similarly, technology has played a significant role in...

World’s First Emotionally Sensible Robot “Pepper” Goes On Sale In Japan

SoftBank, Japanese multinational company, has launched its emotion-sensing robot Pepper, and it will be available to buy in Japan from June 20 for a total...

5 Ways Home Automation Can Make Your Life Easier

Home automation gives you the ability to control features in your house with one single unit. The major reason for the growing popularity of...

Top 5 Smartphones In Indian Market At Present

Nowadays smartphones are becoming the necessity of common people and in last 5 years, we have seen revolutionary change in technology of smartphones with...

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