Albert Boufarah Discusses How Recycling E-Waste Can Help Your Business Reduce Costs

The average lifespan of a desktop computer is three years. However, according to Albert Boufarah, CEO of established electronics & computer recycling firm SAMR Inc. in Lakewood, NJ, most people tend to keep their personal computers for much longer than that because technology tends to advance at such high speeds. This means that even if your business installs efficient software and hardware, it may still need to replace its entire electronic system approximately every five years due to the increasing demands of new technologies. 

It’s important to not just get rid of your old electronics for convenience or to clear up large storage space, because there are many ways you can reduce your costs by recycling these devices instead. Taking up an environmentally friendly initiative will save you from contributing to landfill waste. It can also help lower the cost of your new purchases: recycling allows for the re-purposing of electronic components (metals, plastic, etc.) that can both hold down the cost of new electronics while reducing the need to mine for resources that would otherwise be necessary to construct them. 

The best way to start this process is by researching the different recycling programs offered in your area. There are usually several options that can help you minimize and reuse your broken and obsolete devices, allowing you to find a worthwhile purpose for your old electronics.

Reduced Waste Disposal Costs

Waste disposal costs can be a major expense for businesses. In the US, it is estimated that these costs amount to $200 billion annually, and this number has been rising steadily over time.

The cost of waste disposal services varies by location and company, but some rough estimates come in at around $60 per ton of waste disposed of in landfills or incinerators. Albert Boufarah of SAMR Inc points out that, considering that the average American generates about 4 tons of trash each year with most being food scraps – this means they could spend as much as $240 on trash removal per year. 

That’s an annual increase from 2000-2020 from just under $180 to over $400! Waste reduction offers a way out of this problem: recycling electronics is one way for businesses to reduce waste disposal costs.

Avoid Penalties

Most people are aware of the environmental benefits of recycling electronics. But did you know that there are also financial benefits to be gained? There is a growing trend for governments to impose penalties on businesses that don’t recycle electronic waste, which could come at great expense to your company. This article will discuss how recycling electronics can help your business reduce costs by avoiding these penalties. Per Albert Boufarah of SAMR Inc., the first step towards reducing waste disposal costs is for companies to start tracking their e-waste so they can accurately calculate how much it costs them in the long run. 

Then, they need to develop an effective strategy for e-waste reduction, including recycling and reuse programs. Finally, investing in new technologies like more efficient lighting, high-efficiency air conditioning systems, or other eco-friendly options for energy consumption could significantly reduce costs.

Government Incentives

Another method your company can use to reduce costs through recycling is by taking advantage of government incentives designed to encourage companies to act in an environmentally responsible manner. Businesses that generate high levels of e-waste may benefit from tax breaks or other financial incentives for installing recycling programs or investing in energy-efficient systems. 

For example, the EPA works with businesses in the US who recycle electronic waste responsibly through its eCycling Leadership Initiative. As part of this program, they provide training and support, opportunities for networking, public recognition, and awards for sustainable practices.

Improve Company Reputation

A company’s reputation is critical to its success in business. With the growing trend of nations imposing penalties for not recycling electronic waste, companies need to be proactive in developing a corporate social responsibility program that includes an e-waste management policy.

Many large corporations have already begun environmental programs and reporting initiatives as part of their CSR work. While these efforts benefit the environment and increase transparency, they also give the companies a competitive edge. This practice has been tied to higher stock prices and lower cost of capital (i.e., financial institutions perceive businesses who engage in e-waste recycling as more valuable). Customers prefer working with companies that care about their impact on the world around them. Companies that demonstrate leadership in CSR tend to attract higher-quality staff, and they are seen as more innovative. In short, a company’s reputation is critical to its success in business – so recycling electronics can help your business reduce costs by improving the company’s image.

Final Thoughts

Taking just a few minor steps toward making our earth a cleaner, greener planet has far reaching effects that go beyond environmental causes. It will ultimately make your company more desirable from all standpoints from reputation to attracting staff, and will make it a more desirable partner for company in all sectors that you can think of. Simply put, the benefits are limitless.

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