6 Features to Look For In a Company Car

Businesses looking to expand may find themselves in the exciting position of buying a company car. Those tasked with the job need to find a vehicle that’s economical, reliable, and representative of their brand. Figuring out where to begin is often the hardest challenge. To save time and help jumpstart your search, here are six features you’ll want to look for in your company car.

  1. Safety First

Unfortunately, car accidents are a risk that comes with the territory of owning and driving a car. That’s why it’s crucial to find a vehicle with a high safety rating. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides a safety rating for every vehicle. On their website, you can check any year, make, and model to ensure you’re getting the safest car for yourself and your employees.

  1. Positive Brand Representation

The car you choose reflects your company—even when it’s sitting in a parking lot. If you’re a juice cleanse company, dedicated to purifying toxins in the body, then your car should reflect that. Driving something eco-friendly will echo your values and keep a positive brand image.

  1. Hybrid or Electric

These days, more drivers are switching to hybrid or fully electric vehicles. Not only does it help the environment by cutting down on carbon emissions, but companies love the reduced gas bill. Newer electric cars average around 200 miles per charge. So, if you don’t have far to travel, EVs are the way to go. However, with longer commutes, the hybrid’s ability to switch over to diesel makes for a more practical choice.

  1. New or Used?

Here’s another tough question: should you buy a brand-new car or scour a used lot?

  • Pros and cons of a new car – The low mileage count is great for ensuring that you’re getting a working, functional car. It means no oil issues, no battery issues, and nothing that’s going to make you look under the hood. For many companies, this peace of mind is reason enough to choose new.
  • Pros and cons of a used car – Buying used can get you a working car for a fraction of the price. If you’re a smaller company with less overhead, this might be the right choice. However, buying used means dealing with problems that come with age. Not only will this be costly, but the time spent at a mechanic is time off the road.

Whether you decide new or used, always be sure to buy local. This will save you a hand and a foot by avoiding costly shipping and handling fees. If you’re a Nevadan, then buying a new Volkswagen in Las Vegas versus having one shipped in from Miami can mean saving tons of money. That money can then be thrown right back in to afford those extra features, giving your company car that luxury feel.

  1. Fit for Your Needs

Choosing the right company car means having a vehicle that fits your needs. If your company involves product delivery, then having a maximum trunk space is critical. If you’re a taxi service, then it’s all about comfortable legroom, headroom, and seating.

Try this. Detail out all the reasons for purchasing a company car. Then try to link each need to a specific feature. This will help narrow down your search.

  1. Tech Forward

There are many different gadgets flooding the car market today. From touch screen menus to automated parallel parking, the list of exciting, new tech tools runs ad infinitum. Deciding which features are best for your company car depends on what the driver needs to complete their work. If they’re going to be taking calls on the drive, get a car that has hands-free Bluetooth technology and high-quality car speakers. If your company delivers products to small beach towns with narrow streets, maybe that parallel parking assister is worth it.

The Final Step: Purchasing the Car

Once you’ve listed out your company’s needs and narrowed in on the features you’re looking for, the final step is to make the purchase. Be sure to test drive the vehicle before you buy and don’t hesitate to bargain down the price with the car salesman. If you plan on buying multiple company cars, ask the lot manager about bulk deals or recurring customer discounts.

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