5 Facts You Need To Know About Forensic Cleaning

You might not have heard of the term ‘forensic cleaning’ and that’s completely fine. It’s a profession that very few among us know it exists and the tasks are only carried out when tragedy strikes, which means it’s a specialized profession that’s undertaken by a limited number of people. To be a forensic cleaner, you need to have super-human nerves of steel, because the trauma of having to clean up after someone’s loved one or relative has passed away can be traumatic and mentally fatiguing. If you have heard of forensic cleaning and want to see if you have a potential career in this profession, there are a few things you need to be aware of. After close examination of a lot of things, we have decided to list five forensic cleaning facts that you must absolutely know about.

Forensic Cleaning isn’t limited to just crime scenes

If you’ve heard of the phrase ‘crime scene’, you’d probably think that there would be a ‘Do Not Cross’ police tape and a location surrounded by cops and cars. Well, you’d be right for thinking that, but here’s a scenario that we’d like to put in front of you. Suppose if there’s a natural passing of a close relative, who do you think is going to clean up that mess? 

Obviously, the specialized forensic cleaning Sydney crew would show up, making everything spick and span in a matter of hours, depending on the situation. Therefore, always assume that forensic cleaners aren’t limited to popping up at a crime scene. They can appear at other locations too, as explained above.

A lot of forensic cleaning experts have had some kind of background in the military or law enforcement

If you’re looking to become a forensic cleaner but don’t have a background in the force, then your chances or having a long-term career in this field might be cut short. Fret not, because just back you don’t have experience in law enforcement or the military doesn’t limit your chances, as a majority of your success will depend on your mindset and your ability to cope with certain stress-induced situations. However, if you have a background in law enforcement or the military and you made it out mentally and physically sound, then it means you have what it takes to excel in forensic cleaning.

That’s because in the aforementioned professions, you’re almost immediately exposed to things that you didn’t know existed and the level of stress and mental pressure that needs to be contained within your mind can break anyone’s resolve. When you are conditioned in a particular nerve-wracking scenario and you’re able to come out on top, it immediately makes things easier for you when you start training as a forensic cleaner.

However, as we stated before, excelling in this career doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have a career in the military or law enforcement but having nerves of steel and a singular focus on what needs to be done are excellent selling-points to have.

You may have to clean the entire area and not just that particular scene

When you arrive at the location and begin your cleaning spree, you’ll need to act quickly because there are several things that need to be finished in a timely manner and we’ll explain why. For example, if there’s a dead body that hasn’t been discovered in a fairly long time, it can start decomposing at an alarming rate. This means that there will be strong odours spreading around the entire location and if the person expired inside a house, then things can get very complicated and very dicey, very fast.

The odours would have most likely been absorbed by personal property such as bedding as well as the furniture, and removing them is a daunting task. Also, keep in mind that these things won’t be visible to the naked eye, so it will be difficult to determine the extent of the spread. In any case, forensic cleaners will certainly have their work cut out for them and it could mean several hours of work needs to be completed. You might not be able to meet your family for dinner, so keep this mind before viewing forensic cleaning as a career option.

Your training will not be easy and it might even involve the use of blood

Forensic cleaners will have to go through a strict training regime to ensure that they are able to excel in the field. That’s why the training facilities will often have stage scenes where the instructors will use organic and inorganic items ranging from fake blood, pig blood and other chemicals that mimic your bodily fluid. Naturally, this process is done to work up the trainee and see if they have the will and mindset to tackle what’s going to happen in a real-life situation.

The cleaning supplies are beyond anything you’ve seen in a regular household

You think all it takes is a bit of detergent, some cleaning liquids or bleach to clean up a crime scene that also has a decomposed body at the site? Well, you thought wrong because these forensic cleaners have one of the most sophisticated cleaning sets you’ll ever lay your eyes on if you ever get that opportunity. Chances are you won’t be able to purchase any of this cleaning paraphernalia at your nearest depot or even a drug store. These items are specifically ordered via law enforcement institutions and they can only be handled by qualified personnel. If you somehow believe that adding the term ‘clean freak’ to your resume will help acquire them, then you thought wrong.

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