Wildlife Survival – Managing Animal Encounters When Out In The Wild

The call of the wild often entices globetrotters and travel buffs! It’s wilderness that allures them. They make plans to experience the wilderness of the mountains all across the western hemisphere. Wilderness tours in the mountains can send an adrenalin rush. But there are few perils to take note of as well. This is where you need to be aware of the mountain animals. Imagine how you would tackle a dangerous wild animal that you come across on a wildlife tour in the western hemisphere mountains.

The mountain lion is one animal amongst many others like the bear and cheetah that is prevalent in the mountain regions. When you are out in the wild, it’s natural to get overwhelmed by the lavish greenery, tall trees, and the fragrant flowers. But this natural setting can be tricky. As behind those green woods and vibrant looking flowers hides the wild animals. And when you’re out in the wild, you should have a wildlife survival tip handy.  If you have a wilderness tour planned sometime soon, you may want to use the following wildlife survival tips.


  • If your trip duration is for a few days, get alert during the dusk and dawn. That’s the time when the wild animals lurk around the most. Even the cougar activities gain peak point during dusk and dawn.



  • Try and include others in a wilderness tour plan. When you arrive in a group, you are better equipped to deal with sudden wild animal encounters or attacks. But if you wish to travel alone, always have a bear spray. Consider attaching a bell to your backpack.



  • It’s a smart call not to take children and pets out on a wildness tour. But if you are carrying your children and pet with you, do make sure you always keep them close to you. Keep a close check on their movements and let them know the areas not to tread on alone.



  • And just in case despite all measures, you happen to come face to face or near to a wild animal. It could be a wild bear or a mountain lion. Most people who respond to the “fight or flight” syndrome and either start running or attack out of panic. Instead, you need to stay calm, be grounded and not back down. You need to back away slowly and steadily. When you start to run or begin to hit the wild animal, you encourage more attack from the wild animal. Instead stay calm. It will help you manage the situation better.



  • Find a route to escape and be smart, agile and quick in your reaction. For instance, if you’ve lost track and are trying to find your way, depending on the available commute mode to get back to a place that you know. You might find people offering horses that you see in TVG for a mountain horse ride that can take you back to your safe route.


Surviving the wild is a combination of smartness and being wholly grounded. It makes you self-resilient and confident to travel lands all by yourself. But it’s wise to keep the survival tips handy. You can start with these above-discussed tips and keep adding as you travel and research more.

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