A traffic app by the Pune Traffic Police Department

Ok, now perhaps it’s safe to say that Pune Traffic Police is perhaps one of the most techno savvy traffic police departments in India. They have now released a mobile app which can help you to get all updates regarding latest traffic conditions of the city and which routes could you take or avoid while travelling.

It is the first of a kind app to be launched in the state. What makes it a good app is that the updates are all in real time so you get a better picture of the current traffic scenario of the city. Moreover you could even register complaints in this app also if you happen to come across an accident or if a taxi cab or auto rickshaw driver refuses to travel. You could upload pictures of the offenders also by this app. The app was launched by the Police Commissioner Satish Mathur yesterday at the city traffic branch.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Vishwas Pandhare said, “Our main objective is to provide adequate information related to traffic and better services to the citizens. They can check anything and everything related to traffic in the city via this app. Besides this, we also have a feedback section where users can give their suggestions, which will help us to improve the traffic situation in the area.”

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