Tips for Promotional Strategies: Grow your Business

There are infinite promotion strategies. Depending on what we want to promote and our budget we can choose one or the other.

Some Tips on Promotional Strategies to grow your Business are as follows:

Social Networks:

These tools are the most established today due mainly to their low cost and ease of use. But beware, not only is publishing the promotion and waiting for customers to arrive. You will have to promote and work on strategies that help your business reach the right people.

An Image or link does not sell:

You will have to work with the texts that accompany it to capture the attention of the reader and encourage him to go where you want him to go, be it your website or your physical store.


All the information you publish should be interesting for who is going to read. Not everything is quantity, quality is paramount.

Be Kind:

It is not enough to publish and unravel everything. If any reader writes to you with any doubt, you must attend to each and every one of them, otherwise, your promotion will lead to failure.

Quality Channels:

Just as the information you publish has to be of quality, it will always be better to promote fewer channels that are properly attended and where you reach the potentially interesting public for your business, which on the contrary, have several open channels that do not contribute anything or your brand or your promotion strategy.

If you feel confused and lost, you can always consult with a professional like Pat Mackaronis to help you with the planning and use of your social networks in the promotions of your business.


This strategy could be encompassed in the previous section of social networks because where the better reception and greater ease are available for their use is in them.

The contests or raffles are a great possibility of promoting a product or service.

Is there something that the human being likes more than the word “Free”? This hook can be key to the promotion of a new line of business, as well as to grow your community on social networks and get more interaction with your followers.

Campaigns by Mail:

To carry out a good promotion strategy through email we must be clear about the concept of email marketing.

There are different means by which we can draw the attention of our customers or potential customers and we must choose the one that best suits our needs. If you have any doubts or difficulties you can also take help from any expert like Patrick Mackaronis.

Sending Post Cards:

In line with the above, but something more traditional, sending postal mail to homes. With the exception of certain physical stores, such as supermarkets or supermarkets, which can promote offers of their products, this strategy is somewhat obsolete because it cannot obtain reliable information about who you are targeting your letters and, therefore, cannot segment properly.


Moving away from online strategies, whenever a new product is going to be promoted, the option of giving the potential customer a small sample of it or a gift that makes you feel special can be a great option.

In this same line, but approaching online strategies, it is possible to give your products to bloggers or influencers so that they themselves are in charge of promoting them. If this option is within your reach, it can be a success.

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