Things You Should Know Before You Visit Aspen

If you’re planning to go on vacation to Aspen you’re in for a real treat. Aspen is an amazing part of the world and the ideal destination if you’re a lover of skiing, snow, ski-related festivals and friendly locals. Whether you’ve already booked your aspen vacation rentals or you’re looking for somewhere to stay you’re sure to have a great time away. But what do you need to know about Aspen before you head there for your winter vacation? we’re going to look at this now:

Take Nature Seriously

If you’re out and about on a hike you may see a few signs that tell you to ‘Stay on Trail’. These signs really do need to be taken seriously as there’s a real chance you could get lost or even injured. If you see a sign close to a river that tells you swimming is prohibited you’ll need to stay out of the water. Take nature seriously, do what the signs tell you and you should have the vacation of a lifetime.

Learn About Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is not a pleasant condition to suffer from but hundreds of visitors every year get hit by it. If you have an unquenchable thirst, a headache and you feel fatigued, chances are you have altitude sickness. Knowing how to deal with this condition is vital as it could save you from having to spend a few days in bed or even in the hospital. The good news is that symptoms tend to disappear on the second day but there are some things you can do to ensure you tackle altitude sickness as soon as it strikes:

  • Have plenty of water with you all the time.
  • The first 2-3 days of your vacation should not involve any strenuous activity.
  • Buy some altitude adjustment supplements that are sold locally as they can help.

Be prepared for a Change in Weather

The weather in Aspen can literally change on a dime. For example, temperatures can be very low in the morning and high in the afternoon. This can make it difficult to know what to take on vacation with you, so all we can suggest is that you pack for all weathers. Bring your summer and your winter clothes in addition to your sunscreen. If you plan to go hiking in Aspen during the summer months you should be aware that while the sun may be shining and the temperatures may be high, the mountains can still be covered with snow.

The Locals Drive Fast!

While you’re in Aspen heading out on the road to get to your chosen destination you may see a few cars zooming past you. The locals tend to drive very fast in this part of the world even on those scary mountain roads. Speeds can be as fast as 75 which can be a bit hair-raising even if the driver knows the roads well. Our advice is to play it safe and do exactly what the road signs tell you to do, regardless of how fast everyone else is driving.

Dogs are Everywhere

If you’re a fan of the four-legged friend variety you’re going to love your time in Aspen. In this part of the world, you will see dogs pretty much everywhere. Even though dogs are banned from hike trails they will still be seen having a great time following their owner and their owner’s friends around. You may even come across a few dogs in some restaurants and bars too. This is all perfectly normal in Aspen, so sit back, relax and get ready to make a new friend.

Saving Money is Possible

While Aspen may seem like an expensive place to vacation it does not have to be as wallet-busting as you think. When you’re eating out at dinner time instead of heading to one of the local restaurants make your way to the adjoining bar. The bar is likely to serve similar dishes to those you’ll find in the restaurant but they are likely to be half the price.

Don’t forget to shop around when you’re eating out and when you plan to do a spot of souvenir hunting too. Walking a little bit further to a different store could save you a few dollars, making your time here a little less pricey.

There’s Always Something Happening in Town!

One of the great things about coming to Aspen any time of the year is there’s always something happening. With a winter festival in January, Apres Ski Cocktail Classic in March and much more happening throughout the year, Aspen seems to find any excuse to come alive and celebrate something. If you’re in town when a festival is taking place you’ll find the streets quite busy with the hustle and bustle of locals and tourists alike. The carnival-like atmosphere is just one of the reasons why people come back to Aspen time and time again.

Aspen is an exciting place to be whether you’re into skiing, snowboarding, hiking or you simply love visiting somewhere special. Now you know what to expect when you’re visiting the area you can plan your time here accordingly. So get ready to meet your four-legged friends, pack winter and summer clothes, take a lot of water with you wherever you go and save money by eating at the bar. Get ready for your vacation in Aspen and have the time of your life.

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