The Ultimate Guide to Increasing Your Potential on Amazon

The internet is a great leveler. Sellers who have something to sell have to display complete information about their products and prices, while the prospective buyer can see that information as well as similar information from all the competitors and make an educated choice. There is nothing called a captive customer in the audience, from whom any price can be charged. Amazon is one of the biggest marketplaces on the internet, where a humongous number of sellers are vying for the attention of millions of buyers. If you are a seller on Amazon, you need to be on top of your game to be able to get ahead of the line and notch up regular sales on Amazon, but only if you can do these five things well.

Competitor Intelligence

Because all customers can simultaneously see the offers of each of the sellers, therefore real-time knowledge of competitor activity is something you need to master. A customer will take just a minute to jump to a competitor if an attractive offer or a flash sale is going on. Customer loyalty is now a thing of the past, and you need to keep your offerings just a little ahead of competitors’ offerings. And to do that right, competitor information must always be at your fingertips.

Right Keywords

When a potential customer logs on to Amazon, he is likely to search by products using keywords which might not be the exact product or brand name. So keyword research assumes great significance for all sellers on Amazon. There are several useful keyword research tools like KeywordInspector and ASINspector which can help in doing this, and you must do a proper KeywordInspector vs ASINspector analysis to determine which is better for you and suits your specific need accurately.

Judicious Use of Images and Videos

A buyer will always find it easier to lean towards buying your product when the descriptions, text, and copy is accompanied by clear pictures and helpful videos, so you should always add those to your product descriptions.

Niches and Price Points

This is true for any seller, but more so on Amazon – you should be very much aware of which niche of buyers you will be targeting and mold your Amazon messaging accordingly. Unless you know where your buyers are likely to be from, you won’t know how best to design your message. Aligned with knowledge of the market or the niche will come to the correct estimation of the correct price point. It is silly to undersell your product, but it is also not wise to jack your price up at the expense of sales.

Upsell and Cross Sell

If a customer is buying a lawn mower from you, you should be able to sell him a charging battery along with it. Additionally, if a customer has bought a hand pushed lawn mower from you last year, you should be able to sell him a mechanized mower this year. That is what cross-selling, and upselling refer to.

Amazon is a great way for sellers to find buyers with little or no investment, but this great idea works only when the seller has taken the trouble to give his listing the best chance of success. The five ideas above are an excellent way to begin.

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