Maximize Your Car Accident Settlement: Pro Tips To Try

It’s not surprising that insurance companies often avoid paying for personal injuries and other damages from accidents that their policyholders are found to be at fault for. After all, the less they pay you for your injuries is more money they can keep for themselves and their stockholders.

That means you will have to fight for your settlement to afford all the medical bills and to maximize your car accident settlement amount.  

The first thing you need to do is to consult with a personal injury lawyer. While it may seem a stressful and daunting process, it’s better to start the process to deal with the consequences. 

Here are a few other things that you can do to maximize your car accident settlement. 

Keep Your Records Accurate

When you are in a car accident with another motorist, it is very important that you know how to maximize your car accident settlement case. The most important thing in this is to keep the records. You should gather all police records, medical treatments, documentation, and other witnesses, all of which can be used as evidence in your car accident lawsuit. 

The insurance company will gather all your information, so make sure you have proper documentation to refute any unfavorable information the insurance company may have. However, when you hire a personal injury lawyer, you don’t have to worry as much about the investigation. They will gather all the information and ensure that all the records are correct. 

Take Pictures

Taking pictures of the scene, damage to your vehicle, and the injuries you suffered is one of the most important things. They are a vivid explanation of the things you have experienced. As the adage goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. The judge may accept evidence through photos, so make sure you click every picture and get plenty of them to show about the accident. 

Ask Insurance Companies to Set a High Reserve Account 

Do you know what a reserve account is and how you can make it high? The reserve account is an account, which your insurance provider uses to pay your claim. This amount will cover all your costs and is set once you set the claim. 

Initially, the claim adjuster has little information about the accident, making the reserve account small. If you have a small reserve account, the insurance company will make you settle for a low amount. However, there are a few things you can do to increase the amount of money available for your settlement. 

Don’t Show Your Medical Records to Other Parties 

Many car accident case victims make mistakes by showing their records to other party’s insurance agents. You should only show your medical claims to your insurance company, and revealing your information to others can negatively affect your case. 

Don’t Let Insurance Provider Pressure You into Setting the Claim 

An insurance provider will do everything to make you settle for a smaller amount than the real value of the case. They may try to force you to admit that the accident was your fault or make a written statement that is not in your favor. 

Both things can be used against you at the time of trial. Also, don’t fall for the insurer’s politeness. Instead, keep an account for every penny, and if the insurance company is not offering the desired amount, you can instruct your lawyer not to settle. 

Keep Detailed Information of Your Injuries 

You should know how your injuries are affecting you, so keep a journal of it. In case your accident case goes to the trail, a journal would help you show the details of the accident that happened on that day. When asking for the accident compensation, showing the records of pain and suffering will help you strengthen your case. Unless, you do this, your answers will be irrelevant and in vague. 

Keep an Account Of All Your Damages 

The cost of medical treatments, pain for injuries, loss of income during the time off work, loss of business, cost of a rental car, cost of fixing the car, cost of hiring the housekeeper, cost of counseling for stress, cost of travel to the doctor and other cost to be paid for your loss. 

Keep In Touch With Your Doctor During Treatments 

People often stop visiting the doctor once they start feeling better, and even before the doctor’s advice. However, make sure you keep on visiting the doctor until they release you from treatment. The doctor knows how complicated your injury is and how much it would cost.  So, stay in touch with your doctor as it would help in maximizing your car settlement case. 

Keep the above things in mind and maximize your car settlement case. 

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