It’s time to hit the business tech reset button

Doing business today can’t be done the same way you used to do before simply because the world has changed. Technology has changed the way we live so much that to expect business practices to stay the way they used to be can only send you quickly on the way to industrial irrelevance. First of all, you need to focus on how your market behaves right now. How do they make themselves felt to you? Next, you ask yourself this question: How does the company make itself felt to the market?

The answers to each question can be varied yet related to one another but oftentimes they happen to be the same: Via online information. Of course, you still have all those basics down pat like a business telecom infra in your company but this has undergone change to become an online system with business VoIP. It’s the best way to allow customers to directly connect with your sales force. However, that manages only one aspect of the equation. You need to address a far bigger aspect of communicational reach to address marketing efforts that support your retail processes.


The paradigm shift

The current business equation now has gone beyond the traditional ways companies connect to its customers using marketing/advertising efforts via print, radio, TV or web browsers. Online technologies have extended to app development for such specific purposes. It is not unusual now to find customers accessing retail or info apps to get to know more about companies, products, brands or services.

The access method has also gone beyond the usual desktop PC. Consumers have gone more mobile with their lifestyles and this is why the more prevalent access methods being used now are mobile devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops. If your company hasn’t arrived at any means to make marketing information available to consumers this way then it’s time for you to hit the business tech reset button. This is the new paradigm and you just have to shift to it to survive.


Deepen business relationships

Transactions with customers often begin with telecom or via store visits where sales people initiate the retail cycle that eventually develops into a business relationship. In the new millennium, however, this too has undergone an enormous amount of change. A new generation of consumers has emerged that prefer to use mobile devices like smartphones and tablets to initiate the retail cycle. This is an offshoot of the rapid development of online tech related innovations like retail/info/productivity apps; cloud tech, analytics and social media that have all converged to make the cycle happen at a quicker pace. The huge amount of interaction with high entertainment value that these convergent technologies have also contributes to the new retail experience for consumers.


Leverage technology

Leveraging technology to deepen business relationships between your company and its market now becomes a vital mission for your enterprise’s IT infrastructure. The better that you create digital relationships at scale, the better your company develops customer loyalty via the following ways:


  • More personalized interaction via intimate online exchange of ideas that help make retail systems improve.


  • Information has become freer and more convenient to collect that the right data for strategy becomes available.


  • Opportunities for profitability aren’t lost owing to the rapid rate of data velocity or how fast info gets relayed.


  • Customer relations management becomes more collaborative in the process that employees achieve a greater degree of productivity in terms of leveraging consumer delight.


The information age offers business the biggest benefits it can ever enjoy now simply because of the emergence of various technologies responsible for making our world the interconnected one that it is now. The increasing comfort and convenience of entering into the retail process now, either as a consumer or business owner, has never been enjoyed as much as in previous decades. Fail to reset now at your company’s peril.

Editor’s Note: Tyrone is a freelance writer who’s had extensive experience in the Outreach Program. This time he brings his extensive Writing expertise to Business and Technology. The articles he posts will surely be informative and comprehensive especially for individuals who are in dire need of these resources. He writes to cater impressive pool of different clients.


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