How To Find Oxygen Cylinders, Hospital Beds, ICUs, Plasma For Covid-19 Patients In India [Covid-19 Resources]

If you are an Indian citizen or someone who is following the affairs of the Country, must be aware of the frightful situation India as a nation is suffering from the second wave of Covid-19. As of May 10, 2021, India is reporting over 3 Lakhs of new Covid-19 cases every single day, and the death toll due to coronavirus is beyond our imagination.

Even the metropolitan and big states of the Country that include Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra are badly affected by the second COVID-19 outbreak. We could say that the healthcare system of the country has somewhere struggled considering the patients dying of lack of oxygen, nonavailability of ICU beds across the nation.

Read Also: How To Register On Cowin Portal For Covid-19 Vaccination In India

The worst part is that even the numerous helpline numbers and availability of hospital beds endorsed on the internet and social media platforms are turning out to be of no use as many of them are either outdated info or non-verified leads.

So to avoid that kind of scenario, here we’ve compiled a list of covid resources that have turned out to be beneficial for many people across the country by providing the majority of correct leads and helpline numbers regarding availability of Hospital beds, Plasma donors, Oxygen Cylinders, Medicines. 

(Note: Most of the resources mentioned here; are utilizing the information provided by government portals of the respective states and volunteered crowd-sourced verified information)

  1. (compiles all covid related resources for many states)
  2. (compiles all covid related resources)
  3. (Instagram page for covid related resources)
  4. (all crowdsourced covid related resources)
  5. (curates publicly available information)
  6. (provide covid related resources)
  7. (aggregate all necessary covid related resources)
  8. (compiles latest tweets based on search queries)
  9. (verified leads for oxygen availability across the country)
  10. (Covid related resources in Hyderabad)
  11. (Covid related data for Kolkata)
  12. (information sourced for Delhi and Bangalore)


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