How to Buy a Helicopter: The Important Things to Know

Flying in a helicopter is safer than you might think. According to the US Helicopter Safety Team, the helicopter accident rate for 2019 was 0.82 per 100,000 flight hours.

Imagine traveling in style or taking your very own helicopter across town. No more worrying about traffic, that’s for sure!

Are you thinking about buying your own helicopter? There are a few things you should consider, first. Here are the five important things you need to know before you buy a helicopter.

After consulting this guide, you can prepare yourself for the journey that awaits.

Take off with these five tips!

1. Are You the Pilot or Passenger?

First, determine whether you want to learn how to pilot your helicopter. If not, you’ll need to hire a private pilot. 

Bigger helicopters usually utilize professional pilots while the owner relaxes in the back. Many people use helicopters as their main means of transport. You can also use mid-range helicopters for administrative abilities. 

Bigger aircraft require pilots with more experience. Keep that in mind when you decide to start searching for a professional pilot. 

If you decide to buy a helicopter to pilot yourself, great! Your first step is to choose a flying school. Many flying schools will issue a Private Pilot License, allowing you to take to the skies.

Most flying schools require a minimum of 45 hours of training over 12 months. Once you qualify, you’ll need to renew your license every year.

Helicopter pilot training usually costs $200 per hour for flight time with an instructor.

2. Determine Your Budget

How much does a helicopter cost? That can depend on the type, size, and long-term factors.

Before you buy a personal helicopter, make sure to determine your budget. The prices will vary based on design, capacity, and the manufacturer. Setting your budget from the start will help you narrow down your search. 

Don’t forget to consider maintenance costs.

Some helicopters will cost more than others to maintain in the long-run. A cheaper helicopter might end up costing you more in long-term maintenance fees. 

Then, consider the cost of insurance, capital investment, and depreciation.

Keeping these factors in mind before you buy a helicopter will help you avoid going over budget.

3. How Far are You Going?

To help you choose a helicopter, consider the distance you’ll regularly travel.

A smaller, cheaper helicopter will cause limitations. For example, it could decrease the distance you can travel, number of people you can carry, and fuel capacity will decrease.

4. Landing Space

Where do you plan on parking your helicopter? Before buying a helicopter, have a plan! You might need to add your landing fees to your budget. 

5. Payment

Finally, determine how you plan on paying for your helicopter. Consider drafting a Helicopter Purchase Agreement (HPA) through an aviation attorney.

Consider exploring for a real-time online aircraft valuation before you buy.

Up, Up, & Away: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Buy a Helicopter

Ready to go up, up, and away? Before you do, make sure to review this list of five things you should know before you buy a helicopter. Checking the items on this list can help you avoid overpaying or buying the wrong helicopter for your needs.

Check out the Travel section of our blog for more great tips!

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