Four Tips for Ordering Dresses Online

Hey, online shopping can be really difficult sometimes. The e-commerce world has completely changed the way we shop, basically making it ridiculously convenient. You can explore an entire clothing store all from the comfort of your couch, and most of us do, on the regular, with no issues. But what about when things don’t run so smoothly? When a shiny parcel arrives on your doorstep one morning, you tear it open with total abandon, only to find that the piece you fell in love with on the model looks more like a potato sack in real life? What then? Not so convenient anymore, right? We’ve all been there, but not to worry, there are ways around it. Read on for four tips to make sure that your next purchase fits and flatters you flawlessly…

Know your fit

Although seeing how a dress looks on a model is very important for showcasing the piece, you shouldn’t really take that glossy image to heart. In most cases, our builds and measurements are all incredibly varied and different – so how can we expect one body type to accurately display how a piece is going to look on us? It seems crazy when you stop the think about it. Instead of relying on the one figure to see how a piece is going to look, it’s best to tear your eyes away from the screen and towards your wardrobe. Seeing a whole tonne of off the shoulder styles? Chances are, you like this cut and it feels comfortable for you. If you’re checking out a piece with a plunging neckline and all of your dresses are high neck, it’s probably just not going to look the way you want it to. Know the fits that suit you and stick to them whilst you’re shopping online. Remember, when in doubt, literally everyone looks good in an A-line cut!

Take a look at the fine print

The product description, measurements and precise details are there for a reason people, don’t ignore them! You’ll be able to find absolutely everything you want and need to know about your potential future dress right there on the screen. The details that you’re going to want to really look into here are the piece’s measurements. You should also have a good idea of your own measurements if you want to accurately determine the length of the dress in question on your figure. Take a look at product care specifications and the return policy to keep it safe.

Research and compare

Once you feel you’ve found a dress that you feel is going to work well with your body type and measurements, it’s time to do a little detective work. Google the product name and see if your dress crops up in any blog posts, magazine articles, influencer profiles or multi-retailer stores. This way, you’re going to see the product in a lot of varied lights, on different bodies and you might even find a helpful opinion or two!

Materials and colours can make all the difference  

Viewing your potential dress is different settings is super important for having a good look at the color. Sometimes you end up with a tone that’s totally different than you see online, so it’s really better that you take the time to look into how your potential shade looks on different people. You’ll also need to consider material. If something looks like silk, it can actually be Rayon or viscose, which are fantastic alternatives, however, do not hold up well if you’re shopping for an outfit in the middle of summer. See a fabric name you don’t recognize? Look into the wearability and breathability to avoid a nasty surprise when you feel your new purchase for the first time. 

Ready to find your dream dress online

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