DataWind tablets come with 12 months free unlimited internet browsing

Now browsing internet perhaps was never made this attractive scheme by any company asTablet maker DataWind on Thursday has declared formally that its UbiSlate7Cz and UbiSlate3G7 tablet will come bundled with 12 months of free unlimited internet browsing with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) in southern India. It has not however made it clear if it plans to launch such offers in the rest of India.

“The relationship with UniverCell significantly expands our distribution by adding a significant player from the retail channel to support our tablet sales,” Suneet Singh Tuli, chief executive at DataWind, said in a statement. “Association with BSNL for bundled internet service to our customers is a major breakthrough. This unique partnership validates our technology and belief in low cost internet connectivity sans barriers” Tuli added.

Perhaps this isn’t entirely new and mobile makers have tried before to tempt us buying their products because of the attractive call or internet packages that come bundled along with these handsets. DataWind has done nothing else but the same thing. But perhaps consumers in south are happier than the rest of the population.

The company will now offer its entire product range of UbiSlate Tablet PCs and PocketSurfer Smartphones available off-the-shelf at UniverCell’s more than 500 retail outlets spread across southern India.

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