Benefits of Using a China Import Service

Believe it or not, when it comes to importing items, you could be surprised that one of the main companies to import from is actually China. But in this guide we’re going to tell you what some of the benefits are when it comes to using a China import service over some of the other countries, and why it can be a highly distributable and successful market to get into when it comes to reselling your goods.

The Products Aren’t Expensive

With 1 Chinese Yuan (their dollar) being worth only 15 cents in America, it’s no wonder that the products you choose to import from China are extremely cheap. They even normally accept bartering offers when it comes to selling their goods to other importers. What’s even better, is that you can literally import the goods and resell them for up to 10 times the price (sometimes more) of the items you paid for it. Not only that, but you can easily fid lower prices in China than anywhere else in the world.

Unique Items Not Sold Here

You can literally get a ton of items that are made in China that aren’t made anywhere else. This doesn’t just limit yourself to one type of item either, it covers everything from electronics to toothbrushes. Add the fact that you get these items extremely cheap, and you’re all set to flip those prices much like you would a house if you bought it with cash, polished it up and resold it. Just be sure to get the item for the lowest price possible while still keeping quality and value at a high level in order to be able to get the most profit and ROI (return on investment)

Some of the Highest Quality Goods Come from China

A lot of people think that when you order from China, you’re getting a cheap quality product, but in all actuality, compared to other countries which may cost more, you’re actually going to get better products that are more durable, and are made to last, and other countries’ items are actually a lot more fragile than those made in China due to their lack of materials that they have to usually import.

An Extremely High Profit Margin

As briefly mentioned before, importing all these lower priced unique items and being able to sell them for 10 times more than what you paid for them with wholesale prices in China is a huge boost when it comes to increasing your company’s profit margin. That being said, it’s crucial that you shop very carefully and know what an item is going to resale in your country for.

Conclusion: Online Shops Prosper

Sites like Shopify have made it even easier to order and make drop shipping sites, as well as regular web stores, and that being said,  you can actually use all of these business advantages when it comes to ordering from China to your biggest benefit. This will greatly increase your customer base, as well as your profit, which can help your online business grow up to 10 times faster in a shorter amount of time.

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