9 eLearning Trends for 2020

The concept of online learning is rapidly rising and will continue to do so in this decade. eLearning is effective in saving time and training employees. Workers also benefit by acquiring useful skills and new ways of improving their output. Organizers can also use this platform to educate customers and partners to enhance adoption, revenue, and even retention.

What You Need to Know About eLearning

eLearning is also known as electronic learning, and it involves training and learning by utilizing digital resources. eLearning has its foundations on formalized learning; however, it is provided via digital devices like tablets, computers, and smartphones, which have an internet connection.

eLearning is becoming famous because it is not only time-saving, but you can also access various resources in different formats. These resources are accessible anywhere at any time as long as you have an internet connection.

eLearning Trends of 2020

eLearning does not just bring content for employees; it gives workers the freedom to take learning into their own hands. Below are some of the trends most likely to dominate 2020:

  • Learning Experience Platform (LXP)

Learning Experience Platform is convenient and useful. Its purpose is to provide self-directed learning, which includes all the current industry trends. LXP is futuristic and looks like a media-sharing website or a content provider. This platform provides a flexible team building Dubai activity for employees. They are free to choose courses and learn at their leisure.

  • Learner Analysis and Reporting

Learner analytics is utilized to review one’s behavior and enhance training. When incorporating learner analysis and reporting in team-building activities, you can utilize the available tools. For instance, intelligent tutorial systems which have eye-tracking features and Learning Management Systems with xAPI.

  • Big Data Analysis

When conducting team building games, big data analysis plays an important role. Data is collected from employees, their performance, and activities. However, the volume of this information is beyond what conventional databases can store.

Big data analysis not only structures, but it also helps to deliver data in modern formats. You can track the activities of each trainee to make the activity more personalized. This helps you to choose the most suitable method for different departments.

  • Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence provides several learning opportunities. It acts as a virtual teacher, which improves the learner’s experience. This tool has many advantages when incorporated in team-building Dubai activities.

The good thing about AI is the availability and flexibility. You can access Artificial Intelligence through your laptop or smartphone. Trainees can also interact with the robotic teacher rather than typing their queries using the keyboard. Apart from making various platforms more engaging, AI also provides useful information to businesses to enhance training.

  • AR, VR, and MR

Most people learn better when presented with images instead of reading. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, as well as Mixed Reality, are excellent approaches for providing learning experiences.

AR is effective because trainees not only get accurate content, but they can also learn anytime, anywhere. Virtual Reality, on the other hand, provides useful content and opportunities to create existing and new environments; for instance, a new production line, which would be expensive to replicate without incurring too much expense. MR incorporates both AR and VR in learning.

  • Microlearning

Microlearning can be significant for team building activities because it is offered in short courses. This is suitable; especially where trainees have short attention spans. Each module takes at most 10 minutes and addresses a single learning objective. This means that trainees can focus on the content and understand what is taught.

  • Video Training

Although video training is not new, it continues to trend. Video training is interactive, visually appealing, and engaging. Most people prefer videos over reading. This also shifts the trainees from being passive learners to actively participating in the program. This not only captures their attention, but it also improves the retention of information.

  • Social Learning

Social learning is an effective tool for eLearning, which involves collaboration between employees in the workplace. This is done through informal charts, learning circles, sharing sessions, and forums. The organic nature of this tool makes learning more effective. It is also easily accessible and applicable to the modern workplace because of flexible communication tools and social platforms.

  • Content Curation

Although the internet provides a reservoir of information, it can be difficult to know which is relevant. Most people waste a lot of time going through irrelevant information. This is where content curation comes to the rescue. Curation provides trainees with appropriate learning content and resources.

Some trends only last for a while, but others come to stay. However, the eLearning trends above are still relevant and will continue to trend in 2020. If you don’t know which direction to take, rethink your training programs and try to incorporate some of the above training methods.

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