5 Ways to Protect Your Home

Home. It’s the one thing that’s been around since the beginning of humanity, and the only thing that will exist as long as we do. Like eating and sleeping, a basic human need is a warm place to lay our heads. More than a dry place to sleep, a home is also where we find community and belonging to the people we love. Your home may consist of you and your cat, you and your besties, you and your spouse and six kids, or anything in between. There’s no right or wrong way to make a home, as long as it’s welcoming, full of love, and safe.

Home is important, and it’s critical to keep yours safe from the outside world. There are plenty of threats trying to break into your home, whether it be termites, mold, or burglars, and you must keep your family protected from each one. Your needs will be different, depending on where you live; however, for the most part, each of these home protection methods is essential. Here’s your chance to explore five ways to protect your home.

Invisible Threats

Your home may be in danger, but not from something you can see. You might be good about checking for potential hazards around your home, such as rug corners that could cause a fall, or dangling cords that could choke a toddler. You may not, however, retain the ability to keep your home safe from invisible threats. Without your knowing, small particles of ash, mold, or poisonous gases may leak into your home. Carbon monoxide could spread throughout your home through any appliance that uses gas, such as your oven or furnace. If you live near soil that releases radon, this toxic substance could enter the home of your air, and you wouldn’t have a clue. If you live near the recent wildfires, you might experience the impact of wildfire-related particulates. With all of these threats, it’s important to have your home checked and to invest in the necessary home detectors.


If you live near a wetland, a low point in your geography, or near a large body of water, then you and your family may be at risk of flooding. While severe, life-threatening floods are not an issue in all parts of the country, everyone should prepare for the common household flood: a flooded basement. A flooded basement can destroy keepsakes, furniture, your washer and dryer, and even your furnace if water levels become too high. The basement is never a good place to keep photo albums or family heirlooms, especially if you live in an area prone to flooding. Be wary in the springtime, and consider waterproofing your basement to remain safe from the threat of a home flood.

Attic Moisture

Your attic is at risk for multiple home problems. If left unchecked, your attic issues can creep into your entire home. A damp attic can become a breeding ground for mold, and the wet rafters rot and damage your home’s integrity. To keep your attic safe from moisture, make sure it’s sealed in all areas. Your attic develops small holes and cracks in the walls, and a tiny tear in your shingles could allow excess water damage into your attic space. Start by looking for cracks of light during the day. If you have a hole or crack in your walls, consult a professional about getting it sealed. If moisture gets in through your roof, you’ll need your roof repaired or replaced. If your home is at risk for rotting shingles due to your seasonal weather, like excessive snow or frequent rain, consider residential metal roofing for durability and added protection. Sealing basement wall floor joints is important because it helps to prevent water and moisture from entering your basement. Water can seep through the joint between your basement walls and floor, especially during heavy rains or high water tables. Sealing the joint prevents water from entering your basement and causing damage to your belongings and foundation.

Financial Instability

You may not think of your finances as a home threat, but they’re one of the most pressing dangers your home might face. You can’t keep your home if you can’t pay the mortgage, so proper budgeting and care with your resources are important steps in keeping your home safe. It’s your financial stability that funds every home repair and home protection project. You can’t banish the raccoons from your attic, or replace the broken fridge if you haven’t budgeted for preparation for home disasters. You should have money set aside for emergencies since a flooded basement can hit you the hardest in material loss. If you must replace your furnace, your stress will be triple if you don’t have enough money in the bank. Budget with care, and work on increasing your investments. Look into top gold stocks to buy now, and keep your home protected in the form of financial means.


One of the most unpleasant home dangers, pests can pose problems great and small. It might be pantry moths filling your cupboard with sticky cocoons and clusters of eggs, squirrels scampering through your walls, or termites risking the foundation of your home. When it comes to keeping your home safe from pests, prevention is everything. By the time you notice a termite threat, it’s often too late. By the time your cupboard is full of pantry moths, you can’t get rid of them without difficulty. Prevention is the best method, so have the foundation of your home proofed against pest infestation. Cover those attic holes; not just to protect against mold and moisture, but to keep out mice, squirrels and raccoons. Freeze your rice and dried goods before putting them in your cupboard, if you want to keep pantry moths out of your kitchen. Simple measures like these will help restore your peace of mind and keep your home safe from any kind of bug or rodent. Pests can cause a great deal of stress once they’re discovered, but keeping them out to begin with is relatively easy, if you know how to prepare.

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