What Causes Kidney Stones And How To Prevent Them

Kidney stones are a major problem which if not treated on time can be deadly. There are lots of problems a person faces when suffering from kidney stones. There are ways to treat kidney stones such as via laser surgery for kidney stones or they can be cured by home remedies. Both of these methods can treat kidney stones but home remedies will take a lot of time and the chance of recurrence can be high by home remedies solution for kidney stones. So, according to doctor’s surgery is the best way to prevent them. 

Kidney stones get formed because of the buildup of minerals on the inner lining of kidneys. Kidney stones usually consist of calcium oxalate but they have formed because of other compounds also. Kidney stones can grow to the size of a golf ball which is quite big, while they maintain a sharp structure. The stones can also be small and can be passed through the urinary tract and they can cause extreme pain to the body. 

Symptoms of kidney stones

There are no symptoms for kidney stones unless they move into the ureter. When the symptoms of kidney stones occur, then these are:

  • Severe pain in the groin
  • Blood present in the urine
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Pus in the urine
  • Reduced amount of urine
  • Burning sensation of urine
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Fever and chills, when there is an infection

Causes of kidney stones

The main cause of kidney stones is the lack of water present in the body. Stones are found in people who drink less water, which is less than recommended 8-10 glasses of water. Uric acid is formed when there is not enough water to dilute the uric acid, hence the urine becomes acidic. There are some medical conditions that increase the chance of kidney stones like Crohn’s disease, urinary tract infections, Dent’s disease. 

Risk factors of kidney stones

Kidney stones are common among males and females. Most people who experience kidney stones are in the age of 30-70. Similarly, a previous case of kidney stones can increase the chance of having a kidney stone in the future. There are certain medications that increase the risk of kidney stones. Doctors have found that topiramate which is a drug prescribed for migraines can increase the chance of kidney stones. 

The risk factors also include the diet which is rich in protein and sodium but low in calcium, a person suffering from obesity. 

Treatment for kidney stones

Treating kidney stones is focused on symptom management. Passing a stone can be a painful task. If a person has a history of kidney stones, then home treatment might be suitable for him. If there is hospital treatment required then a person might be rehydrated with IV tube. Narcotics are also used to make the pain tolerable. In some cases, the doctor can perform SWL. This treatment can break kidney stones into pieces and it allows them to pass. 

Home remedies to prevent kidney stones

There are a few steps that can be taken to reduce the effect of kidney stones. The first step should be to drink plenty of water which makes urine completely clear. A person can tell they are not consuming enough water if their urine is yellow in color. The doctor will ask you to pass kidney stones by urination. 

Diet for kidney stones

There are plenty of foods that have a positive impact on kidney stones. These foods can help to reduce the risk of kidney stones. The body naturally passes the stone within 48 hours. Kidney beans are a good option. People suffering from kidney stones should consume water every 2 hours. Other foods which help to protect kidneys are:

  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Pomegranates
  • Basil
  • Celery

Choose a diet that is low in salt and animal protein, you should reduce the amount of salt you eat and choose non-animal proteins which are legumes. You should also consider a substitute for salt. You also continue to eat calcium-rich foods, calcium has no effect on your kidneys so you should include them in your diet. 

There are certain medications that you can take to prevent kidney stones. The type of medication your doctor prescribes will depend on the stone you have. 

  • Calcium stones: To help with the prevention of calcium stones, the doctor can provide you with a thiazide diuretic.
  • Uric acid stones: The doctor may also prescribe allopurinol to reduce the uric acid levels in your blood and medicine that makes your urine alkaline.
  • Struvite stones: For the prevention from struvite stones, the doctor will recommend strategies to keep the urine free from bacteria which cause infection. Long-term use of antibiotics in small doses can help to achieve this goal. 
  • Cystine stones: Cystine stones can be difficult to treat. The doctor will ask you to drink more liquids so that you produce more urine. If this doesn’t help your doctor will prescribe medication.  

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