Top 10 High Protein Foods

When we talk about food as a whole, a majority of the people have a tendency that eating anything that is home-cooked, supposed to be a healthy food. But in reality, people are going blindly for cheap carbohydrates or just complex carbs. Although carbohydrate is a vital macronutrient that is required for your body to do its regular functioning but when it comes to muscle building and repairing then, you can’t afford to miss protein in your diet.

In simple term, Protein is a macronutrient that is significant for the proper growth and function of the human body as it contains amino acids that help in muscle building and repairing. Apart from that, protein functions to slow the discharge of carbohydrates in your bloodstream, which can ultimately prevent the sudden spikes in blood sugar. Therefore, it enhances fat-burning metabolism and energy level.

As per the recommended daily intake (RDI) is 46 grams for women aged 19-70, and 56 grams for men aged 19-70. But for optimum health level you should go for at least 1 g of protein for each pound of body weight to maintain and build muscle.

Here, we are putting top sources of protein that are readily available to a layman via kitchen or a grocery store.

1. Milk

Protein Quantity: 8g per 1 Cup (240g)

Here comes the dairy item which every common person can relate to, Milk is something that can easily be found in the kitchen. One should have at least 2 cups of milk in their daily diet as it is the cheap and healthy source of protein. In addition to this, milk is also considered to be a good source of calcium, Vitamin B-12, and Vitamin D.

2. Greek Yogurt

Protein Quantity: 20g per 200g

Another dairy product but contains twice as much protein as regular yogurt.  The Greek yogurt is made by separating the liquid, thick in texture as compared to the regular version of curd. Additionally, plain Greek yogurt has loads of gut-friendly probiotic bacteria and calcium.

It is advisable to stay away from flavored ones as they contain loads of artificial sugar that can lead to water retention in your body.

dairy food

3. Cottage Cheese

Protein Quantity: 22g per 200g

Cottage cheese is also a product made of milk and is adorned with casein protein- a slow digesting protein that provides essential amino acids to your growing muscles on a steady basis. It is always recommended to have cottage cheese before bedtime so that you can provide all vital nutrients to your body even in a resting period.

4. Eggs

Protein Quantity: 6g per 1 large size egg

Eggs are one of the cheapest and readily available sources of protein. They are an ideal muscle-building food and perfect source of protein as they contain all essential amino acids that make them a complete source of protein.

Not just protein, but eggs are loaded with omega-3, biotin (essential for hair health), and healthy fat, but one should keep a check on the quantity they are consuming as eggs are also packed with saturated fat that is bad for your health. It is always recommended to consume only one whole egg, and you can have as much egg whites as you want as they are packed with lean protein.

5. Chicken Breast

Protein Quantity: 24g per 100g

Well, Chicken breast is an ideal source of lean and complete protein. We are aware of the fact that the vegetarian people may not relate to this particular item, but for non-veg folks, chicken breast is the cheapest,  healthiest source of protein.

When we say Chicken breast, you should only consider breast, not the whole chicken as a whole one is enriched with unhealthy fats and cholesterol.

fish and chicken
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6. Tuna

Protein Quantity: 30g per 100g

For those who are non-vegetarians and like to have seafood, Tuna fish is a boon to them. These species of fish has a variety of health benefits and is packed with a wholesome amount of protein. In addition to this, tuna is enriched with Vitamin A and Vitamin B complex.

Read Also: Complement Your Balanced Diet With Honey

7. Salmon

Protein Quantity: 20g per 100g

Salmons are quite popular among seafood lovers. Those who are non-vegetarians should have Salmons in their kitchen basket as these species are loaded with health beneficial nutrients such as protein, potassium, vitamin c and b complex.

8. Lentils

Protein Quantity: 9g per 100g

Lentils are a prime source of protein for a middle-class layman who can’t afford to invest in other poultry products. But in spite of being the cheapest source of protein, these lentils are the quality protein and packed with a high amount of dietary fiber (good for digestion), iron, potassium, and magnesium.

One should always prefer mixed lentils as these are not the complete protein as lacks some of the essential amino acids, so you should have a curry of mixed lentils so that you can get a complete protein.

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9. Peanut Butter

Protein Quantity: 8g per 2 tbsp serving

Peanut butter is must have a food item in your kitchen. Most of the people are not aware of the protein content in the peanut butter that’s why they prefer to use pasteurized butter. Not just peanut butter packed with protein, but they also have a good amount of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, Vitamin E.

Whenever you are buying peanut butter, try to purchase natural and avoid those brands which use hydrogenated oil as one of the ingredients in the peanut butter.

10. Chickpeas

Protein Quantity: 20g per 100g

When it comes to the top source of high protein foods, one can’t afford to miss chickpeas from his or her diet. Chickpeas are one of the finest veg sources of high protein. But I liked about chickpeas is that they are also high in other nutrients such as iron, calcium, Vitamin B complex, potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber.

You can also consider kidney beans as the alternative as beans are also high in protein.

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