Everyone loves the flexibility and comfort of working from home, but not everyone fully understands the amount of work needed to create this office. It is easy to get distracted or be counterproductive when working from your home so you need to be sure to equip yourself with the necessary tools to be most efficient. If you are considering bringing your work in-house then follow these tips for creating the perfect at home office.

Pick the Right Space
When creating the perfect home office it is all about location, location, location! You want to pick an area of your home that is not high traffic and will allow you to keep focus. It is recommended that you avoid a room with a lot of windows as it is much easier to get distracted. If you do have windows, consider purchasing wood blinds or black out shades to minimize the distractions.
Another important tip for the home office is to designate that space as the office and not use it for other personal use. If you use your office for activities other than work, you will habitually start to be less productive.
Focus on Equipment
One of the more difficult steps when creating the perfect home office is keeping the equipment and tech up to industry standards. Statistics show that the most common complaints of at work frustration comes from technological issues. These same concerns can be found in your home office, so it is vital that you take the steps to ensure fluidity between technology and your work.
Make sure that your computer is always up-to-date with upgrades and antivirus. Be sure that there are surge protectors for all your electronics. If your job requires internet then upgrade your service to the highest MBPS available.
You should also consider having a scanner/fax/printer as a lot of documents are sent via fax. In order to stay relevant within your industry, your home office should incorporate the equipment that would be used in a normal office.
There’s quite a lot of equipment needed to create the perfect home office where you can work efficiently, which also means a long list of expenses for you. If budget is a concern, consider getting refurbished computers and monitors. These equipment are professionally restored by IT specialists so they reach and even exceed manufacturer standards. They work just as efficiently as brand new units, but don’t cost as much. You don’t always need the highest specs or most advanced equipment for your work, so refurbished units are a practical option.

Stay Organized
Another key element to an effective home office is organization. It can be easy to lose track of documents or get off schedule when working from home, so staying on top of your schedule is vital. Find effective storage that does not take up too much room and keeps all your files in one easy to locate space. Only keep the most important documents out on the desk so that you do not misplace documents.
Be a minimalist and label all your files in such an easy to understand format. This applies to both tangible and computer documents. Organization is a key part to an effective at home office so do not take this tip lightly.
Choose Comfortable Furniture
One of the major benefits to working at home is the comfort aspect. You can wear what you like and have the flexibility to choose furniture that perpetuates both productivity and comfort. When creating your home office consider comfort and efficiency over style. 90% of adults experience back pain at sometime in their life. A lot of this pain comes from the chair used everyday at work so picking one that combines comfort and support is vital to your productivity and overall health.
Also pick a desk that fits within the scope of your work, if you do not need a large desk then do not purchase one. Having too much work space can be just as unproductive as having not enough. Think about the work you do and purchase within the needed realm.
Your home office is exactly that, a combination of work and comfort. The ongoing trend has been that home offices are on the rise. If you are considering working from your home then you will want to take the steps mentioned above to ensure a productive and efficient work space. What other types of advice do you have for creating the perfect home office?