Three Tips for Bathroom Remodeling

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Home remodeling is always tricky, but bathrooms present unique challenges that people need to prepare for. The first thing that may catch people off guard is that the process is somewhat more expensive than remodeling other areas of the home, but while little things cost a lot, budgeting for certain upgrades can make a huge difference over the long-term. There are also a few things that people must avoid if they don’t want to sink more money into remodeling later. With a bit of information, it’s possible to turn a bathroom into the throne room that everyone deserves.

Tip One: Make a Plan and Stick to it

It’s possible to wing it when it comes to remodeling the main living areas of a home, but remodeling a bathroom requires a lot more care. Since bathrooms tend to be confined spaces compared to the rest of the home, the size and fit of various fixtures matters far more than it does elsewhere, and depending on how the plumbing is configured, there may be a very limited selection of things that will work. Many people will want to bring in an outside contractor to help with the planning stages even if they intend to do the actual remodeling themselves. There are so many things to take into account that non-professionals are likely to overlook a few key details.

Tip Two: Use Green Board in Most of the Bathroom and Avoid Drywall by the Tub

A lot of people get it wrong when it comes to drywall, and the results can prove incredibly costly in terms of money and health. For one, normal drywall shouldn’t be used in a bathroom at all; any amount of moisture will cause it to decay if it’s exposed to it on a regular basis, and that allows mold to grow within the bathroom and to spread inside the walls of the house.

Some people, and that includes contractors, use greenboard in the areas around and behind the tub and shower area. This is a horrible idea because greenboard isn’t waterproof. It’s resistant to moisture and humidity, but when it’s placed around the largest concentration of moisture in the room, the results are not pretty. It’s a little more costly, but the better option is to pick a cement backer board for that area. Greenboard is fine throughout the rest of the bathroom, but it’s insufficient for preventing the growth of mold on its own.

Pick the Right Toilet

Toilets are pretty simple mechanisms, and most people aren’t going to give it much thought beyond how a toilet looks with the aesthetic that they’ve chosen. In truth, toilets deserve quite a bit of attention; each model has different flush valves and internal traps, and a bad choice can result in more clogs and other unpleasant things.

If a bathroom is located far away from the main sewer line or is underground in the basement, a macerating toilet or upflush toilet can be easier and much less costly to install. Unlike regular toilets that rely on gravity to flush, upflush toilets come with a macerating pump with heavy-duty stainless steel blades that aid in grinding waste and transporting it to your septic tank. The discharge tank connects to your home’s drain line via extension pipes, eliminating the need to break the ground for drainage, thus making upflush toilets more cost-effective to install.

When All Else Fails, Hire Someone

One of the most important things is for people to decide early on whether they’re going to do the job themselves or outsource it to a local contractor like fosa septica ecologica pret. It may be tempting for the DIY types to take the project on themselves, but so much can go wrong that it’s often best to let someone else handle it. Either way, as long as someone goes into a remodeling job with the proper knowledge and an accurate assessment of his own limitations, there shouldn’t be anything that can get in the way of creating a beautiful bathroom for himself and his family.

Jacob Walker is a guest writer for bathroomrenovations website. Click here to find design ideas for bathrooms and kitchens.


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