If you happen to be a busy work commuter who does not have the luxury of time to do simple everyday home-related tasks like shopping for groceries or other personal needs, you’d much prefer to do these things virtually. While online retail allows you to do so conveniently, you might not feel that confident about how fast online retailers could schedule deliveries of your orders. Moreover, you might also be wary about how legit some online retailers could be to warrant your trust.
This is the main bone many consumers have been having about online retail for many years. There just isn’t the same amount of face-to-face confidence to be found in online transactions like the one consumers experience when dealing with brick and mortar stores. This, however, is beginning to change with the introduction of augmented reality retail.
For the fast and the furious
Work commuters make up a consequential part of the huge mobile device user consumer group that now inhabit markets. This particular consumer group is made up of young and tech savvy urban professionals who are commonly mobile employees who do not have that much time to attend to non-work-related matters, including those that have to do with the retail cycle. Virtual stores that can now be found in key Asian cities like Singapore and South Korea have begun to engage this particular consumer group with much success.
In tandem with effective content marketing being done by brands and retail companies, such augmented reality tech in retail has also begun to bridge the gap that online retail has for yeas been trying to address. The work commuter is a fast and furious consumer group that prefers to buy retail items, access information, and engage in social media using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. So much so that their encounters with brands and the subsequent retail action response they make with these brands could be considered as a result of the advanced kind of tech they have at their disposal.
The online tech that work commuters thrive in as mobile device users enable them to enjoy quick and real-time information delivery with regards to brand publishing, retail processes and marketing info. Their dialogues with brands are commonly spun around social media engagements that result in their susceptibilities to pay heed to the calls to action that commonly accompany social media engagement.
Such consumers are most likely to share sponsored content, comment on them, engage other users in threads, hit Like buttons and follow subsequent content issued by brands. Brands derive considerable informational capital from consumers in the process to make measuring by efficient metrics and analytics possible. Augmented reality tech, however, is seen to go beyond retail in the coming years.
Business productivity minus the distraction
Augmented reality tech was once limited to the leisure-prone gadgetry of gaming technology. This is what drives the more recent Wii and Xbox games you see nowadays. Now that the tech has crossed over to wider industrial use via virtual store retail, the next level up you expect to happen would be that which uses augmented reality tech to boost business productivity.
While this will happen in all likeliness, tech industry observers are of the perception that users of the technology in the near future would have to deal with the current mobile device tech they have now with “to mind the amount of distraction these devices have when using them.” Of course, you need to stop what you might be doing for a while to press some virtual buttons on your iPhone’s display to make a call or compose a text message. Something you don’t have to do when “dialing” someone’s number on a device as clever as say, Google Glass. In fact, the physical presence of the smartphone as you know it has effectively vanished with the introduction of the new tech.
Consumer convenience and confidence has been bridged in virtual retail. Augmented reality tech’s bold new step forward is seen to bridge the gap brought about by the distraction of manually operated tech functionality in mobile devices.
Editor’s Note: Tyrone is a freelance writer who’s had extensive experience in the Outreach Program. This time he brings his extensive Writing expertise to Business and Technology. The articles he posts will surely be informative and comprehensive especially for individuals who are in dire need of these resources. He writes to cater RingCentral Virtual PBX and other impressive pool of different clients.