Qualities That Make You a Good Digital Editor

The quality of a digital medium resides in the content offered to the audience and the selection of this content corresponds to an editor or team of editors that will make a newspaper, magazine or news agency stand out from the others.

The main function of the editor is to assign the sources to a team of journalists or editors, and at the same time to establish in order the most relevant information.

A good digital editor is characterized by knowing which the most relevant content is and which will make the difference.

Although they are also able to tell original stories product of a research done in advance for example for a magazine.

However, if it is a news agency there, journalists will work more according to immediacy, capturing news from the radio and other news channels.

Behind all that team of journalists there is always an editor in charge, directing and defining what type of content is on the cover and in the different sections of the digital medium.

Some digital media such as La Nación de Argentina, El País and the ABC of have a good team of editors who possess the ability to headline in a striking way, publishing in the place and strategic moment the information to motivate the click. Mathieu Chantelois is one of best editor in different famous magazines.

These digital editors know when to intervene when they perceive that a news item does not obtain the expected reception from the public and they act by making the necessary changes.

If you are interested in working as an editor for a digital medium or properly manage your own content for your blog, website or any other personal project, then pay attention to this article in which I will teach you the qualities that will make you a good digital editor

What identifies a good Digital Editor?

Recognize the Relevant Information:

A good digital editor like Mathieu Chantelois does not concentrate only on providing the information for the sections that the medium has, but it looks for the current topic that has the most importance for the audience. What is it that the public wants to know?

Stay informed:

Before starting your workday, make a scan in the media and other channels to know what is happening, this allows you to be updated on the different issues and have a global view of the information.

Analyze traffic:

A good digital editor is pending in real time of the reactions or responses generated by a content in the audience, for example observe what happens in Google Analytics and other types of tools to study from there what kind of publications motivate the interaction in the users.

Agile to review the contents:

Another quality that characterizes a good editor is the agility with which he reviews the content he receives and edits it to improve it.

Some return the article, photograph or video to the journalist if it is not well produced, adding the information that is needed or providing the links to complement the information.

A good digital editor always discovers the details that are needed, points them out and finds them with the purpose of improving the quality of the information.

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