New Business: 3 Great Service Business Ideas to Consider

If you’re hoping to start a new business, service-based businesses can be a great place to begin. These businesses are often the easiest and most affordable to start. 

Are you wondering what skills you have that you could use in a service-based industry? Keep reading for service business ideas so that you can figure out which one would be best for you. 

1. In-Home Services 

This is a great field, as you can avoid overhead costs like office space, and there are also tons of different options and needs within this industry. There are plenty of people who are busy working and keeping up with other priorities and need assistance in certain areas. In-home services work to help people with their at-home tasks and responsibilities. 

Some great options in this field are house cleaning, or lawn and yard care. There are also options like working as a personal chef or starting a shopping service. These tasks are typically done at someone else’s home, allowing you to use their space as your office. 

You can do these services on an individual level starting out, then adding on employees to assist as you grow. This is a great option for scaling your company while avoiding initial costs like payroll. 

2. Wedding Planner 

This is a great idea for someone who has organizational skills while also being able to cope with high-stress situations. A wedding planner is basically the project manager of a wedding. They work with the wedding couple to organize wedding ceremonies, rehearsal dinners, and receptions. 

To do this job, you should have great communication skills, as you will coordinate all the services the big day requires. This means you will make arrangements with florists, photographers, and other vendors that will have a part in the wedding. You will focus on handling the stress of organizing the wedding so that the couple getting married doesn’t have to. 

While wedding planners are the most popular, there are party planners of all kinds. If you strive to organize and schedule to perfection, this could be a great career path for you. 

3. Childcare 

Are you great with kids? Starting a childcare service business is a great way to make good money by opening a licensed facility in your home. There are tons of busy parents that need a childcare option they can trust. 

If you don’t want to watch children, but you want to get into this profitable industry, consider starting a referral service. This way, you can connect families in need of child care to excellent providers. 

These are just a few of the most popular service industries. There are tons of other options from getting into home staging or starting an air duct and dryer vent cleaning business

Service Business Ideas to Explore

Starting your own business can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Consider these service business ideas to see if this is an industry you could thrive in. Use your own personal skill-set to start a business that helps others. 

Are you looking for more real-world advice? Check out the “How To” articles on our site.


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