As Technology continues to advance it will continue to change the world we live in. While technology has always played a role our lives, it is only in recent times that the amount of it has been questioned. The fact that 71% of children ages between 5-15 have access to a tablet computer at home emphasises the reach of technology. Children are spending an increasing amount of time using these devices and many parents are worried about their influence.
The best approach is to treat all these new devices like you would any other aspect of your child’s life and set boundaries. Let your children use tablets occasionally and try to ensure they use age appropriate technology. Kids expect you to set boundaries and they need them.
It would be pointless to stop kids using these new technologies and it’s important to remember that they have many benefits as well. Technology will dominate your children’s life and educating them on appropriate use of it will help them prepare for the future. You can find out more about how to manage your children’s relationship with technology in this info-graphic from Shop Twinkie.