How Your Product Packaging Affects Your Marketing Strategy

It’s understandable why new businesses may put product packaging in the background as operations can be busy, but it’s a mistake that should be consciously avoided. The most successful brands understand the importance of product packaging and they give it its fair share of resources and time. Being a core element of any solid marketing strategy, product packaging concepts should be tackled as early as possible. 

To help you understand the relationship between marketing and packaging, we’ve created a brief overview of the dynamic.

Brand Recognition

While brand recognition can sometimes be related to how long a product has been in a certain industry, it’s the packaging that can significantly boost brand recognition. Gaining the edge in the packaging department can allow you to compete even with the oldest brands on the market. A lot of successful brands that have been in the market for so long never forget the importance of brand packaging and keep adding improvements to it from time to time. When a new product is on the shelf, the only voice of the brand that can reach the customer is the packaging.

Delivering a Message

In one way or another, every product packaging resembles a message from the brand to the consumer. It’s very common for brands that are trying to stay eco-friendly and promote environmental awareness to use packaging that doesn’t pollute the environment. As mentioned on, a lot of manufacturers are trying to combat this trend by using eco-friendly clear packaging made out of CAB, CAP, and PETG plastics. It can be a great addition to your brand’s message if you make it easier for people to save the environment. Some brands promote indigenous crafters by directly mentioning them on the packaging’s print. It’s essential to understand that not promoting the brand’s message on the package can hurt your overall marketing strategy in the long run.

Explosive First Impressions

A new brand almost always has to work extra on the product packaging design. The key here is to be able to create a lasting impression on customers who aren’t familiar with your brand. This means that you’ll want to create packaging that can draw customer’s attention to it even when it’s surrounded by long-established products. A strong first impression can nudge the customer into trying a new brand that they’ve never heard of before, instead of going with their regular ones.

Self-Promoting Packaging

One of the benefits that product packaging has over a lot of marketing tactics is its ability to promote itself after the design is finalized. Whether it’s a cartoon character or a logo, your customers will always associate the brand with the design if it’s done properly. It’s important to mention that the packaging has to also promote the brand and not just the product. You don’t want your customers to only recognize a single product of the brand and forget about the brand itself.

Product packaging is rarely on the priority list of many new businesses. While it’s quite commendable to meticulously craft or source products that can truly benefit the market, the whole venture can be negatively affected by the wrong product packaging. Finding the strongest links in your brand’s message and intensifying them with product packaging can help you smoothly pursue your marketing strategy.

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