How to Use Social Media to Build Your App

Social media is bigger than ever with its popularity rising every day. Although it once was just a place for individuals to connect with each other, with a few side bar ads thrown in, more businesses are realizing the value in using social media as a marketing tool.

Social media can be used to generate revenue for your app in many different ways. It can help you find target audiences, help you market to that audience, get feedback from your users and advertise and market your app for free. If you are looking to expand your app user numbers in a positive and inexpensive way, here are some smart ideas for using social media to increase your app’s success.

Use social media to find your target audience and market to them

Social media is great at grouping like-minded people together to share opinions without paying for expensive and time-consuming focus groups. Using social media groups, specific interest pages and tags will help you find the people who might use your app the most. Look at this grouping of potential customers to get inspiration and even test ideas by getting feedback and opinions. It can also help you find out what people are looking for in apps or what other apps similar to yours are lacking.

Use tags to help people find you

That first piece of advice works in reverse as well. After you have used tags to find your target audience, create tags that will lead those same people back to your app. Use practices like Search Engine Optimization to create tags that will be most used and most readily associated with your app. This will put your app on the virtual map, so to speak, and make users of social media aware of your product and services.

Listen to your users’ feedback and respond

Many companies have already been successful using social media as a sort of question and answer forum for their customers. You can directly ask your target audience, using your apps social media page or a group, questions about your product and they will respond—for free! But it is not enough to simply be heard; consumers what to be listened to as well. This means that if you allow customers to post their direct feedback about your app, you need to be willing to also listen and respond to those comments, positive or negative. If you have done your job right so far, you have created an app that people can only sing praises about.

Allow users to use your app with social media

Allow users to connect your app with all of their other social media sites. People want to share! Online transparency is more apparent now than ever, so let people show all their friends how much they use your app. In the end, it’s all free advertising for you. It is also helpful to create a mobile application design that is streamlined and personal to mimic the feeling of being on a social media site.

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