How To Study Class 11 Hindi With NCERT Books and Ace Your Exams?

Students of class 11 who choose medical or non-medical in class 11 do not pay much attention to Hindi and English. They mostly concentrate on Physics, Chemistry, Math, and Biology. But, if they want to score a high percentage of marks in the final exam, they also have to study Hindi and English. Many times students feel nervous in the final exam of class 11 because they do not attend regular classes in the school and do not have sufficient time to study Hindi and English. But, if students of class 11 want to score high marks in English and Hindi they can use the right strategies. They can ace the exam using the NCERT books. Yes, studying Class 11 Hindi from the NCERT books is sufficient for the students to score high marks in the Hindi exam. 

NCERT books for class 11 Hindi are prescribed by the CBSE and the students of class 11 must follow those books. Students can download the NCERT books for class 11 Hindi from the internet. All books are available in PDF format to download easily on the computers for free. In class 11, students have to study from the four NCERT books for Hindi: Antra, Aroh, Vitan, and Antral. NCERT books provide proper information to the students and chapters given in the NCERT books are easy to understand. 

Class 11 Hindi NCERT Books include everything important from the exam’s point of view. The books consist of chapters that are prescribed in the syllabus. The four books are a combination of prose and poetry and students have to study all books to score high marks in class 11 Hindi. 

Tips to study class 11 Hindi to ace your exams using NCERT books

Students can use the right strategies to prepare for the class 11 Hindi exam. They can use the NCERT Books to ace the exam. A few tips are given here that can help students to prepare well for the class 11 Hindi exam and score high marks in the final paper. 

  • Students should study all books in a sequence. They should read each chapter from all four books. It is a time-consuming process but this can help the students to understand the chapters. Students can also use the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi available on the internet for understanding the concepts of the chapters given in the class11 Hindi.
  • Questions are given at the back of every chapter in NCERT books. The students need to solve all the NCERT questions to score high marks in the exam. If students are not able to find the right and quick solutions for the questions given in the NCERT books, they can download NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi to clear their concepts. 
  • Students can make short notes of each chapter of class 11 Hindi. They can make chapter-wise notes using the NCERT solutions available on the internet. Short notes can be very useful for the students for doing a quick revision during the exams. 
  • Students should solve sample papers and previous year’s question papers available on the internet. Solving sample papers for class 11 Hindi will help students to gain confidence. This can also help them to analyze their preparation for the class 11 Hindi exam. They can do a self-assessment and can find out their weak points and can work on the weak points to score high marks in the exam. 
  • Hindi is a lengthy subject and sometimes three hours is not sufficient for the students to complete the paper. Therefore, students should practice previous years’ papers to enhance their speed and accuracy in the exam. Students often make many mistakes in the Hindi exam but they can improve their speed and accuracy by doing regular practice. Students can solve as many sample papers of class 11 Hindi as they can to get a good hold on their writing speed and answering questions. 

Different NCERT books for class 11 Hindi

Students have to study four different NCERT books for class 11 Hindi. Detailed information about all NCERT books for class 11 Hindi is given here:


Antra is an NCERT book for class 11 Hindi which consists of a wide range of literary works. It consists of poetry written by some of the most popular poets. Students must solve all exercises and questions given at the end of each chapter to score high marks in Hindi. There are a total of 19 chapters in Antra. Students can find NCERT solutions for class 11 Hindi antra on the internet. They can download the solutions for all chapters in the PDF file to study during the exams. 


The Aroh is the second NCERT book prescribed by CBSE for class 11. It is a combination of prose, poetry, and fiction from Hindi literature. The book has popular stories and poetry that help students to learn useful lessons for their lives. Students can download solutions for all chapters of Aroh from the internet. They can download the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh from the internet and can study during the exams to score high marks. The book is divided into two parts. Part A consists of 10 chapters and part B consists of 10 poems. 


Vitan is the third NCERT book for Class 11 Hindi. This book is a tribute to the popular singer, Lata Mangeshkar and the students can get questions of 10 marks from this book. The book also consists of other chapters based on different themes. There are a total of four chapters in the book and students need to understand the main concepts of all four chapters to score high marks in the class 11 Hindi exam. 


It is the fourth book prescribed by the CBSE for class 11. It is a collection of Hindi literature and students can download the book in PDF format from the internet. The first chapter of the book mainly pays tribute to M.F Husain. He was one of the most popular painters of India. The book includes stories from his autobiography. There are two more chapters in the book. 

Thus, students of class 11 can study Hindi from the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi to ace the exam. The solutions of all books and their chapters are available online and students can download the solutions to prepare for the exam in a short time.


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