How to Sleep Better at Night in 7 Easy Steps

Do you find yourself frequently waking up in the middle of the night? Is your sleep no longer satisfying and leaves you waking up tired? Wondering how to sleep better at night?

Losing sleep is not a fun experience for anyone. Not only does it impact your productivity for the day, but it also comes with health problems. Sleeping normally is a must to keep yourself in great condition.

If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, we’ve got your back. We’ve compiled a few tips to get you a good night’s rest. Keep reading on to plan ahead and get the sleep you need.

1. Stick to a Proper Sleep Schedule

It’s harder to get a good night’s sleep when your sleep schedule is all over the place. Your body can’t get accustomed to a proper routine if you keep sleeping and waking up at different times. It’s best to follow your body’s natural sleep cycle so that you can optimize its internal clock.

You’ll want to stay consistent with one schedule. If your current sleep schedule doesn’t match your daily schedule, do your best to change it. The quality of your sleep greatly improves when you sleep during the times you need it the most.

As a side effect, you fall asleep faster, ensuring you get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Sticking to a schedule ensures you sleep when you need to, so you avoid afternoon naps. If you do take a nap during try and limit it to around 30 mins and never nap close to your designated sleep time.

If you feel yourself getting sleepy during the day, try your best to keep active. Sleeping earlier might result in you waking up in the middle of the night destroying your schedule. The key is to go to stay consistent to train your body to adapt.

2. The Right Sleeping Position

To get the best sleep you need to be sleeping in the right position. Some positions, while comfortable, come with health problems later on. Sleeping at odd angles cuts off blood circulation and results in sore bodies.

Couples sleeping positions are also an important thing to keep in mind. To sleep better at night, ensure that both of you are comfortable. If you have to, keep some space between you to avoid suffocation.

3. Watch What You Eat and Drink

What you eat and drink before you go to sleep can impact the quality of sleep that you get. While drinking a glass of milk or eating a snack before you sleep is fine. You’ll want to avoid eating big meals or anything spicy or acidic before you sleep.

Being hungry or too full will keep you up due to discomfort. It’s also best that you avoid getting up for midnight snacks whenever you wake up before your alarm. It’ll just be harder for you to fall back asleep and will mess up your sleep schedule.

Drinking caffeine in the afternoon is another thing that you should avoid. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to 5 hours, so keep your cups of coffee strictly in the morning. This also goes for nicotine and alcohol which could ruin your quality of sleep.

The last thing you want is to wake up in the middle of the night with indigestion or acid reflux. So watch what you eat and make sure you’re mostly food free before you sleep.

4. Manage Your Light Exposure

Your circadian rhythm is a natural internal process that regulates your sleep. The amount of light exposure you get when you wake up and go sleep is what helps set your circadian rhythm.

This means that you want to limit the amount of light exposure you get before you sleep. So when you’re about to go to sleep, avoid bright lights. You can do this by not using your phone before you go to sleep and sleeping with the lights off.

The same goes for when you wake up, you’ll want to increase the amount of light exposure you get. Opening up the curtains in your room or eating your breakfast outside will help regulate this. Getting more light in the morning will help you feel more energized and tell your body that it’s time to start your day.

5. Make Your Bed Comfortable

The next thing to address is your sleeping environment. Try and make everything as comfortable as possible for you. Find what kind of support you need from your pillow or how thick you want your blanket to be so you get the best sleep possible. 

6. Keep Your Room Environment Cozy

Make sure that your room is properly ventilated to prevent stuffiness or humidity. The same idea applies to temperature as well. This will prevent you from waking up randomly because you’re feeling uncomfortable.

Another thing to remember is the noise in your surroundings. If you live next to a busy street or have noisy neighbors, try and sleep with a white noise machine or earplugs. Do what you can to keep a quiet environment.

7. Engage in Physical Activity During the Day

One way to wake yourself up and stay energized throughout the day is to engage in a good amount of physical activity. Try and set aside a few minutes every morning for exercise if you’re inactive most of the day.

Keeping dormant makes you feel sleepy or tired, so it’s a good idea to keep yourself moving throughout the day. Even if it means just walking around for a few minutes, being active makes all the difference in regulating your sleep. 

Now You Know How to Sleep Better at Night

Getting better sleep at night means making changes in your lifestyle. You’ll also need to start setting new habits, which will be hard at first. But once you get the ball rolling it’s easier to stick to your new routine.

We hope that after reading this article, you have a better understanding of how to sleep better at night. The most important thing when solving sleeping problems is that you stay consistent and comfortable. If you enjoyed this article and found it helpful, don’t hesitate to visit the rest of our guides for more tips to get a better night’s rest.


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