Health Hacks – 5 Simple Steps You Can Take To Help Your Digestion

Digestive issues can be painful, inconvenient, and kind of embarrassing at times. The good news is, there are lots of things you can do to improve the health and happiness of your gut. 

Here are five simple steps you can take to help your digestion:

1. Be Careful With Dairy

Dairy is known to be a tricky ingredient for the human tummy. We struggle to digest it, and even without lactose intolerance, it can cause nausea, stomach pains, and diarrhea for some people. 

Making the most of A2 goodness, dairy alternatives like nut milks, and having regular dairy breaks can be beneficial for restoring your digestive health. 

2. Eat More Whole Foods

Boosting your diet with natural whole foods can be a great way to support your digestive health. There are so many healthy whole foods that can boost your digestion and nutrient intake such as:

  • Apples – Rich in fiber and pectin
  • Fennel – Rich in fiber and agents to soothe your tummy
  • Papaya – Contains a digestive enzyme to help you digest protein more efficiently
  • Ginger – Helps with nausea and tummy cramps 
  • Leafy Greens – Full of fiber and magnesium which help support constipation relief 
  • Peppermint – Peppermint oil helps to ease bloating, stomach cramps, and constipation 

Of course, these kinds of ingredients may not help as much as they could if you don’t remove processed and inflammatory foods from your diet. Slowly removing salt, sugar, white bread and grains, processed meats, and deep-fried food will go a long way to giving you a healthier gut that is ready to make the most of the wholefoods you put in it. 

For an easy way to get a mix of healthy whole foods into your diet, try making a delicious smoothie

3. Pinpoint Sensitivities 

Food sensitivities are different from food allergies, which can be really extreme and even lead to anaphylaxis. With food sensitivities, your response to the food may be less obvious than a strong allergic reaction. 

Pinpointing the sensitivities responsible for symptoms like nausea, cramps, loose stools, or bloating is a great way to get your digestive health back on track. The FODMAP diet is a useful tool for uncovering even the subtlest of food sensitivities. Just be sure to seek the advice of a medical professional before launching into it. 

4. Chew, Chew, Chew

Not chewing properly is known to cause problems with nutrient absorption. Your teeth macerate the food so that your digestive system has an easier time breaking everything down. The more you chew your food, the fewer issues your stomach will have getting all the good stuff absorbed and disposing of the rest. With all this in mind, try to take your time chewing your food to boost your overall digestive health. 

5. Don’t Ignore Mental Health Problems 

Mental health problems can cause chaos in your tummy. You know how you get butterflies when you’re nervous, or feel a little sick before doing something that scares you? That’s a basic example of gut-to-mind health. If you can reduce your overall stress, and get help for deeper problems like anxiety and depression, you will likely start to see an improvement in your tummy health. 

“The road to health is paved with good intestines.” – Sherry. A. Rogers

By following the tips above you can enjoy a tummy that works well. This usually sparks a chain reaction of improvements in other areas, such as your skin health and energy levels. It can take time to transform the situation in your gut. However, if you commit to change, you’ll soon start to see worthwhile improvements. 


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