Careers To Pursue In Seattle That Help People

It’s one thing to find a job that provides security and a chance to make money for a long time, but it’s another experience for your career to let you have a positive impact on other people’s lives in some way. If you live in Seattle, Washington or are moving there for a career change, you’ll have a long list of options for a beneficial path.

The options on the list below come in all shapes and forms, whether you’re experienced in technology, want to use your talents in medicine, or want to make living situations more comfortable for families. Here are some careers to pursue if you want to spend your professional life helping people.

Sewer repair

Sewer pipes play a major role in how different establishments operate and stay clean, whether it’s an apartment or major corporation. Keeping these systems working requires a great deal of work and education, and this is a chance for you to be able to keep a variety of businesses and establishments in good shape, as well as clean so people keep coming back.

There are plenty of places where you can find jobs in sewer repair Seattle has to offer, so you can find work making repairs or advising how to install new systems to keep areas clean. If you’re new to this field, there are apprenticeships available so that you can obtain the knowledge needed to keep pipes working for as long as possible.

Pharmacy manager

Those who are more interested in the health field, especially those with some background in business management, should consider being a pharmacy manager in this city. In addition to being able to help create medicine that helps treat issues ranging from small to severe, you’ll have the opportunity to in helping employees who are new to the field.

This is a chance for you to share your knowledge with people who need advice on which medicine to buy for those with a cold as well as those with respiratory issues. Managing this establishment also involves communicating with other medical professionals so that people get their medicine on time and at the right locations.

IT program manager

Some of you may be more experienced in the technology game, specifically information technology (IT). If you’ve been moving up the ranks and want to manage your own website or company, becoming an IT program manager is the way to go, as you will be able to create programs that help a variety of businesses run their websites on a regular basis.

Being an IT program manager also requires creating schedules so that the company is able to meet goals and budgets so that you can keep projects alive. The programs you create will come in handy for people providing services in industries such as health, science, philanthropy, sports, and entertainment, guaranteeing different avenues to make money in case one project ends.


Certain careers require the ability to speak in front of a crowd and explain your points clearly and with conviction. Those who want to use their public speaking skills to improve people’s lives should consider being a lawyer. The cases you can get involved in can range from car accidents to theft, and you can work on multiple cases at the same time, helping as many people as you can achieve justice.

There is plenty of schooling required for this profession, but if you have the dedication and knowledge, this won’t be an issue. Situations where your services may come in a handy range from sorting out who is owed a settlement in a pet attack to proving the innocence of a person accused of a far more serious crime.


There are certain medical professionals who prefer to help people maintain the health of the body. One part that needs to remain in good shape is our mouth, and dentists are available to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and clean.

In addition to giving teeth a cleaner, whiter appearance, you will be tasked with monitoring how patients’ teeth and jaws are staying in shape over time. You can use x-rays and other tools to run tests on patients to make sure they have no signs of oral problems. The better you are able to clean up patients’ teeth, the more likely is to come back to you if they have another issue.

To pursue careers in these fields, it’s important to prepare for the different requirements and pass all the necessary tests. Keep these options in mind so that you can make a living making other people’s lives better. 


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