5 Important Digital Marketer Skills to Have if You Want to Succeed

The average business owner spends around 8 percent of its annual gross revenue on marketing and advertising. One of the first things an entrepreneur will do when trying to create an online presence for their business is to find a professional marketer to work with. If you offer marketing services to business owners, you will need to find a way to set yourself apart from the competition.

Some newcomers to the world of marketing fail to realize just how hard it can be to attract new clients. This is why focusing on building the right digital marketing skills is vital. Without the right skills, you will have a hard time showing business owners why you are their best option.

The following are just some of the most important skills a digital marketer needs to be successful.

1. The Ability to Communicate

A vast knowledge of things like Google algorithms or social media can only take a marketing professional so far. If you are unable to clearly communicate with a potential client, you will have a very hard time winning them over. Not only will your client communication skills need to be polished, you also need to focus on communicating with the target audience of a business owner.

Establishing who a company’s core audience is will provide you with some insight into what they want. Using the power of both written and video content is crucial when trying to win over modern consumers.

Getting a better understanding of the various stages of the marketing process can help you avoid making blunders when developing campaigns for a new customer. The more you know about your industry and the tools available to marketing professionals, the easier you will find it to have success as a digital marketer.

2. In-Depth Knowledge of Analytics

All of the smooth-talking in the world can’t replace cold hard marketing campaign results. Most business owners will want to see how well you know your industry instead of you making claims about your knowledge. The best way to provide this proof is by developing an in-depth knowledge of analytics.

Using tools like HubSpot, Market and even Google Analytics is crucial when trying to figure out what consumers are responding. Knowing if a marketing campaign is producing results can help you keep your clients happy and on budget. The last thing any business owner wants to do is invest money in marketing techniques that garner little to no sales leads.

Knowing how to interpret the data provided by the tools mentioned above is imperative. Embracing the world of data-driven marketing will only benefit you in the future. With the power of data, you can get definitive answers regarding whether or not you are on the right track with the marketing campaigns you have devised.

3. Become a Master of Inbound Marketing

Creating an running an agency that specializes in digital marketing is no easy task. As a marketing professional, it is your job to understand all aspects of online marketing and how they can benefit your client. Some marketing professionals focus so much attention on social media that they forget all about the benefits of inbound marketing.

The key component of a successful inbound marketing campaign is driving traffic to your client’s website. The best way to do this is by developing engaging and informative content. This content can be everything from videos to well-written blogs.

Once you have this content in place, promoting in on social media is crucial. The more traffic you can drive to your client’s website, the easier it will be to increase the number of quality sales leads they receive.

4. Learn how to Use Spreadsheets Effectively

Most business owners want to hire a marketer that is knowledgeable and organized. All of the marketing knowledge in the world won’t matter if you are unable to keep everything organized. Utilizing the power of spreadsheets is crucial.

With these spreadsheets, you can do things like track the traffic numbers from a website each week and perform SEO keyword planning tasks. You can also use spreadsheets to detail any call to action audits you are currently engaged in.

Sharing these detailed and easy to follow spreadsheets with your client can be helpful. By doing this, you can show a new client just how hard you are working on their behalf. Small gestures like this can help you keep your customers loyal and engaged.

5. Excellent Writing Ability is One of the Most Important Digital Marketer Skills

Knowing the difference between the various types of content on the Internet is also important. A successful marketer will know the difference between blogs, landing pages, gated content and various other types of written content. Not only will you need to know about written content, but you also need to understand how to develop and publish it as well. In addition, you could ask a writer who could have an experience in online writing assignments to provide you with assistance for improving your content

Even if you have a large team of content writers working for you, it is imperative you expand your knowledge of this skill. Knowing how to craft content can help you edit and later the pieces turned in by your writers.

Ignoring the need for this knowledge may lead to your agency putting out low-quality content, which is never a good thing. Developing writing guides for your freelancers is imperative when trying to keep all of the content equally matched and engaging. If you have in-depth knowledge of online content writing, developing these guides will be a breeze.

Becoming a Great Marketer Takes Time

Now that you know about the digital marketing skills you need, it is time to get to work. Learning and perfecting these skills will take time and a lot of effort.

Are you looking for more marketing-related content? If so, check out the rest of the blogs on our website.

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