11 Signs It’s Time to Finally Talk to an SEO Specialist

Google updates its algorithm approximately 9 times a day. 

SEO is an evolving world that seems to evolve faster as time goes on. With so many updates, how are you supposed to keep up? 

The good news is that you don’t have to. Experts thrive on keeping up with the tech-side of search engine optimization. They live and breathe for it. 

Keep reading to learn about the 11 warning signs telling you it’s time to hire an SEO specialist. Future you will be glad you did. 

The Hard Truth: When & Why You Should Hire an SEO Specialist

If you’re not writing for SEO, you’re writing for no one. 

It’s a hard truth that no one likes to hear. But, understanding the importance of SEO and executing it well will propel your business forward.  

If you find yourself nodding your head in agreement as you read through this article, it’s time to hire an expert. Our friends at seoexplode.com have a proven record of providing excellent SEO services. They can help you with everything you need. 

Remember, SEO is an investment in the future success of your business. 

1. You Have a Website

93% of digital traffic originates from a search engine. And, there are nearly 6 billion searches performed on any given day. 

If .00005% of those searches drive traffic to your website, you get approximately 87,000 organic visitors a month. That’s impressive by anyone’s standards. 

But, having a website isn’t enough.

Just because you’ve built it, doesn’t mean people will come. Your website needs to target the right people and appear in front of them when they need to see it. 

It sounds complicated because it is. But, you’re in luck because that’s exactly what an SEO specialist does. They can help you develop a strategic SEO plan that puts your business on the front page of Google. 

2. You’re Moving to a New Website

Let’s pretend you’re rebranding to a new name. That means moving to a new domain and transferring your digital content. When you move domains, all your links break unless you know what to do. 

It’s a daunting task and an easy thing to mess up. Broken links, errors, and empty pages can mean getting a slap on the wrist from search engines. 

And honestly, they don’t care why your site is a mess. 

Search engines want to give their users an excellent experience. Serving them broken websites does the opposite. 

Hiring an SEO specialist before you start migrating can help ease the pain. They know exactly what needs to happen, what framework needs to be in place, and how to seamlessly execute their plan. 

3. You Aren’t Getting Enough Traffic

Social media works well for developing a community around your brand. But, the real traffic comes from appearing in search engine results. 

If you’re unhappy with the amount of traffic you’re getting, investing in SEO services will help. You’ll see an increase in first-page rankings and organic traffic over time. 

It’s important to remember that not all traffic is equal. You’re better off having 300 engaged visitors per month than 1,000 visitors who don’t care about what you have to say. 

Let’s look at some quick and easy math. 

If you have 300 monthly visitors and 10% buy something from you, you have 30 new customers. But, if you have 1,000 visitors and 1% buy something, you’ve only gained 10 customers.

Hiring an SEO specialist will ensure you rank well for the right keywords. And you’ll get targeted traffic to your website as a result. 

4. Your Business is Growing but You Can’t Hire a Full-Time Employee

At one point or another, you won’t be able to handle all the marketing activities you’d like to do. Hiring an individual or a team to help is a good, but expensive option. 

Outsourcing SEO to a trained expert will take the weight off your shoulders without putting pressure on your budget. You won’t have to provide benefits or a physical location and you can hire on a contractual basis. 

SEO experts are just that. Experts in their field. They’ve spent years learning about the strongest strategies so you don’t have to. 

5. You Can’t Find Yourself on Google

Search your business on Google. Do it on your desktop and your phone. Proper SEO means that your business shows up. 

But what does it mean if it doesn’t? 

You need SEO help.

Imagine a friend of a friend told someone about your business. They’re going to Google you to find your website. If they can’t find you, you’ve lost a potential customer. 

When someone is looking for services like yours, you should be there. If you’re not, they won’t even know you exist. So, what now? 

SEO specialists know how to ensure Google is indexing and crawling your website. They also know how to make sure potential customers can find you. Especially those searching specifically for your business. 

6. Your Audience is Local

If you sell services or products to people in your area, local search optimization is something you may not know you need. But, now you do. 

Experts are trained in managing your:

  • Google My Business listing
  • Online reviews
  • Appearance in online business directories

This allows your company to appear when someone close to you uses “near me” or a location in their search query. 

Why does this matter?

46% of all Google searches are looking for local information. They’re interested in finding a business closeby that can help solve their problems. If you can help them but you don’t appear, they’ll never know about your business. 

Every time you don’t appear is a missed opportunity. 

7. You’re Paying too Much for Advertising

PPC and display advertising are great for an initial burst of traffic. But, they can also be expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. Many business owners believe they have to choose between paid ads and SEO. 

But, they couldn’t be more wrong. 

Paid ads are great because they can start giving you results immediately. SEO isn’t immediate but tends to cost less over time. Smart marketers and SEO specialists know how to optimize the two in conjunction. 

So, if you find yourself spending more money on ads than you’re making, it’s time to hire an expert. 

8. You Want to Reach Customers Across the Globe

20 years ago, international communication was almost impossible. It was expensive and nobody understood the need for it. 

Today, it all happens in the click of a button. 

You can reach people all over the world. If that’s a part of your business plan, an SEO specialist can help manage your keyword strategy to target key regions. 

Let’s look at an example. 

You sell affordable water purification systems to non-profit organizations. You’re based in the United States but you want to target non-profits in South and Central America. 

An SEO specialist can help you rank for keywords in other languages. They can also ensure a seamless experience when your site and currencies are translated. These non-profit organizations will otherwise never know you exist. 

9. The People Who Find Your Business Don’t Stay or Buy Anything

Getting traffic is one thing. Getting the right traffic is another. And turning the right traffic into customers is still one more thing. 

If people are visiting but don’t buy anything, that usually indicates that they’re not the right people. You’re attracting the wrong crowd. So, it makes sense that they aren’t interested. 

SEO experts live and breath for buyer intent. They have magical powers of knowing exactly what someone wants based on the words they use. These magical powers can help your site attract people with the right intent. 

They can then help you develop a non-linear sales funnel to convert consumers at any point in the buyer’s cycle. 

Confused yet? It’s complicated. That’s why they’re the experts. 

10. Your Website is Hard to Use on Mobile

By 2025, 72.6% of internet users will access the internet solely with their phones. Google actually penalizes websites that aren’t optimized for mobile use. 

In July of this year (2019), Google switched to mobile-first indexing for all new websites. Bots only crawl and index the mobile version of your site. So, if your website is hard to use or looks bad on a small screen, you’re not going to do well in search. 

SEO specialists know that and work hard to make sure their client’s digital assets are designed for a mobile experience. 

11. You Aren’t Blogging Consistently

Many business owners don’t understand the importance of blogging. Blogging allows you to lend a helping hand to potential customers before they’re ready to buy. 

Think about this article. You’re here because you’re interested in hiring an SEO specialist. But, you want to make sure you’re making the right decision (you are). 

Businesses that blog generate 67% more leads than those that don’t. 

An SEO expert can help you develop a smart editorial plan focusing on keywords potential customers are using. Turn that plan into consistent action and you’ve got yourself a blog. 

SEO is One Cog in Your Marketing Machine

But, there’s a reason so many businesses are investing time, money, and effort into perfecting their SEO strategies. It’s an effective long-term method for attracting targeted consumers. 

If you’re interested in growing your business (who isn’t?), hiring an SEO specialist is a great place to get started. 

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