10 Email Newsletter Hacks to Boost Clicks and Drive Conversions

What’s the most effective marketing tactic for building your brand, boosting engagement and driving conversions? Email newsletters. Sent on regular intervals, a content-rich email newsletter not only helps your company to stay in the top of the mind of your customer but also showcases you as an industry leader.

Email newsletters are an excellent tool for marketing your products and services better. Whether you send newsletters biweekly, monthly, quarterly, it helps to engage and inform your customers and clients. It also helps to build a robust and long-lasting relationship with your email subscribers.

To create an engaging newsletter, it is essential to include these aspects:

  1.    Have a specific theme in mind for every newsletter so that you don’t end up getting dicey.
  2.    Deduce creative, action-oriented and informative subject lines.
  3.    Content should be educational, informative and concise.
  4.    Incorporating a read more button which redirects to your website.
  5.    Incorporate your business and contact information.
  6.    Include your social media profile links.

Here are some killer tips on boosting clicks and driving conversions through the email newsletter.

  1.    Set expectations from the beginning

Whether your subscribers are signing up for the first time, make sure what would they expect. This should not limit to the type of offers and content they would be receiving but also the frequency of your email newsletter.

  1.    Information-rich content

The best email newsletters are loaded up with about 90% of informational content that is relevant to your intended target audience. For instance, incorporate articles on general themes that your potential customers would certainly be keen on, as well as information about your products and services. Along these lines, that leaves you with about 10% of space to commit exclusively to advancing your business.

  1.    Create action-oriented and enticing email subject lines that stand out of the box

Produce catchy, action-oriented, enticing email subject lines and instructions that direct the readers to take some action. Your email design should have enough white space to make the newsletter look clear and free from any clutter. You can incorporate pie charts, GIFs, photos— the options are endless. Adding videos to your email newsletters will largely impact your engagement metrics.

  1.    Employ responsive web design

In today’s mobile-first era, it is utmost essential to use responsive web design in your email templates, which involves resizing of the content across various screens and devices. As per research by GetResponse almost 42% of subscribers delete emails that look cluttered on their phones.

Other mobile-friendly design practices to include are single column design, large typeface, large icons, call to action buttons, and eye catchy images.

  1.    Storytelling

There’s nothing like fantastic storytelling. Every subscriber is interested, and on the off chance that you recount a story with both composed word and pictures, you’ll have people lining up to endorse your newsletter.

UNICEF does a great job in this matter. Instead of simply asking for donations, it tells the story of the person in need.

  1.    Incorporate offers and newsletters that are exclusive for your subscribers

This is an excellent way for converting your subscribers into customers. Offering them something valuable will not only help you get a surge in the email engagement but also will improve your email deliverability. Along with that using personalized content is also useful for boosting clicks. For that, you need to go beyond using a subscriber’s name in the subject line and newsletter content and send newsletters that cater to specific segments.

Wrapping up

Email newsletters are a great way of engaging subscribers and providing value to your business. It not only strengths your company but also roots trust amongst your customers. Use these six actionable tips the next time you want to create an email newsletter.  

Author Bio

This is Sharon Winget, Staff Writer with GoodFirms, a review and rating platform of top IT companies & software. A tech geek at heart, I firmly believe technology can transform societies. I enjoy blogging about web design, email marketing, and content marketing.

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