Breath Easy, Know More About Septoplasty

The nasal septum is a wall between your nostrils. Made up of cartilage and bone, it separates the nasal passages.

Some people experience a condition named deviated septum. In this condition, the nasal septum is slightly crooked or out of position. Deviated septum can be by birth or due to an injury.

Symptoms of a Deviated Septum

Deviated septum can impact breathing and at times, nasal congestion on one side of the nose is more than the other. You might also experience sinus infections, headaches, nasal bleeding, snoring, postnasal drip, where excess mucus from the nose runs down the throat. Some people also experience sleep apnea, where a person might stop breathing during sleep.

Although these symptoms can be treated with medicines, sometimes it might require a surgery. Septoplasty is a surgery where a deviated nasal septum is corrected. The aim of this surgery is to fix the alignment of the septum so that the breathing problems and other related problems are corrected.

Although it is a nose bone operation, which is done as an outpatient procedure, it is advisable to consult an experienced surgeon to perform the surgery

There are many precautions to be taken before the surgery. If you are using blood thinning medicines, you must stop them a few weeks before the surgery to avoid the risk of continuous bleeding during the procedure. Before the procedure, you must avoid eating or drinking anything to avoid nausea.

During the surgery, an incision is made on one side of the nose so that they can reach the septum. The protective mucus membrane is lifted and the septum is correctly aligned. If there are any extra bones or cartilages, they are removed. The mucus membrane is repositioned. Stitches are used to keep the septum and membrane intact. Splints or soft plastic sheets are used in some cases to minimise the chances of scar formation. However, in many cases, placing cotton in the nose also helps.

Advancements in medical technology provide laser septoplasty, which is a very effective and a safe procedure to minimise the pain, bleeding and infections.

Some of the common problems that can occur after a septoplasty include excessive bleeding, infection, perforation in the nasal septum, decrease in the sense of smell, discolouration of the nose and scarring.

Your nose would be swollen and painful. It would take a couple of days to heal. Your doctor would advise you to stay away from intense physical activities such as running and weight lifting because these activities increase the blood pressure and results in bleeding.

It is advisable to elevate your head while sleeping to prevent swelling of the nose. Avoiding blowing your nose for a couple of days can also expedite healing.

Septoplasty cost in Mumbai varies depending on the hospital that you choose and factors such as, the surgery type, type of anesthesia used, condition of the patient, and the complexity of the case. With the help of the internet one can easily get all these details within minutes and not have to think about visiting the hospital or a clinic.

The nasal septum surgery cost can run into thousands depending on various parameters. However, it is appropriate to contact the hospitals to get an idea about the approximate cost for the surgery. As septoplasty is an outpatient procedure, you can also contact surgeons who have their own clinics, enquire about the cost, and perform the surgery.

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