As we all know that technology is becoming a significant part of our daily routine as we are always on the laptops and mobile phones to update our Facebook and WhatsApp status. But have you ever realized that “What your computer and mobile screen doing to your face?” I think none of you has ever recognized the harsh effects of Computer and smartphones display screen radiations as they are the invisible threat to your face and skin. Nowadays laptops and computer screens are coming along with flat-panel LCD screens, and we have heard many technology experts saying that these LCD screens are less prone to UV radiation, but this statement is partially correct. As the truth is that your face skin is still exposed to certain kind of UV radiations which ultimately affects the overall health of your skin and accelerates fine lines, wrinkles, frown lines, turkey neck, deep wrinkles, and show signs of premature ageing.
But you do not need to worry as prevention is always better than cure so you can get rid of those harmful UV radiations from Computer screens as well as directly from Sunlight.
Here you can follow some simple natural skin care treatments to protect your skin from UV radiations and make them look more radiant.
1. Staying hydrated
Prevention starts with making your skin healthier from inside, so it is necessary for you to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Whenever skin is dry, it is more likely to wrinkle and make you look older than you are. So appropriate consumption of water not only help your skin to fight UV rays but also leave good effects on your skin by smoothing out wrinkles, leaving your skin looking bright, young and fresh.
2. Try to Avoid Oily Food
It is one of the most important aspects when it comes to keeping your face skin healthy as consumption of oily food leads to pimple formation. Eating a lot of fried and processed food stimulates your oil glands and thus producing sebum that leads to pimples, blackheads, etc. Try to eat food that are more in protein and iron rich whole grains, fruits, vegetables as they help to make your skin glow.
3. Protect Your Skin From Sun
As we all know that sunlight is the natural source of Vitamin D that is good for your overall health but that’s the one side of coin as another side is dark that make your skin damage, can cause age spots, sun tan, pigmentation on face. So when you are outdoors, always remember to use a sunscreen daily with an SPF of at least 15.
4. Avoid Alcohol Consumption
Always remember to avoid or limit yourself whenever it comes to consuming alcohol and liquor as they ransack the Vitamin A from your body that is essential for cell renewal. Thus, lack of Vitamin A leads to many skins related problem and doesn’t allow your skin to fight UV radiations. There is the various natural source for Vitamin A as you can intake Vitamin A by consuming foods like Egg, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Broccoli, Butter, Spinach, Milk, Apricot, Papaya.
5. Use Ayurvedic Face Cream
You can make your skin even healthier by using some exceptional Ayurvedic face creams as they made out of tried and tested Natural Ayurvedic formula. You can use various Ayurvedic Creams such as Vicco Turmeric Cream and other options that are available in the market as research showed that Ayurvedic Creams are safer to use in comparison to chemically formulated creams.
6. Gentle Cleansing
This is the most important step that you need to follow in order to keep your skin healthy all times, when you are travelling or living away from your home, then your skin is prone to damage due to change in weather, temperature, humidity and quality of water. So it is important for your to wash your face with clean and filtered water only.
Meanwhile, You can watch the ad campaign from Vicco Turmeric Ayurvedic Cream.
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