Impact Of Technology In Education

As technology is evolving, we cannot deny the fact that it has become the most inseparable part of our life. May it be our Mobile phone or tablet or laptop we are glued to it morning to night gaining knowledge by browsing various social networking channels like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Linkedin etc. We even download apps, to watch news, movies and read eBooks like your favorite novel or pdf of concepts like Acids, bases and salts for your kid. The end goal of doing the above is ultimately learning.

To learn is to educate. Every learner has a different learning pace. This is because his/her grasping speed and power varies. Also, the topic of interest depends on their likes and dislikes. Technology has given learners the freedom to choose a convenient channel from the multiple learning platforms. Below are the top 4 learning platforms.

Social media groups:

How can this help? When we talk about WhatsApp or Facebook, we assume it’s for texting, video/audio call, sharing posts and staying connected with dear ones. Apart from all these, it plays a very important role in every high school/college student’s life! Why? Study materials, assignments, last minute internal questions, lab manual etc. are also been exchanged through online social groups


Excellent self-learning platform. All you need is self-motivation. Just search for the video of the topic of your interest and learn while you watch the video. It could be learning any musical instrument, yoga, dance, beauty tips, making a science project etc. Learning cooking is also easy with the video instructions.

Virtual library:

It provides a strong basis for education and enhances the quality of life by giving access to a variety of national and international content. Major advantages of eBooks and online libraries – cost effective, environment-friendly, instantly available through various sources, never out of stock. Also, the storage space is reduced. How? Instead of buying multiple books, one tablet can have hundreds and thousands of books in it.

In the past few years, some of the world’s best universities and colleges are helping students by creating virtual libraries. For example, the Al Ghurair University in Dubai has one of the most extensive virtual libraries in the world. This enables the student to access all books, literature and resources without physically visiting the library. This not only helps in improving the overall standard of education, but also adds a special dimension of convenience for the students.

ELearning apps:

ELearning is also called web-based learning. The major difference between web-based learning and traditional learning is that eLearning focuses on individualized learning. Through this educators make the course interesting for learners by making use of 3D graphics – Animated/creative images/videos while teaching as students become highly imaginative and don’t lose interest while learning. Also, they conduct quizzes which help learners to understand and learn faster.

There are many learning Apps which help you with online courses like BYJU’S which is India’s largest education company and is the largest k-12 learning App in India. It includes Mathematics, Physics, Biology courses which also provides  Chemistry course like – Arrhenius equation

For a better understanding of concepts, students can subscribe to our BYJU’S YouTube channel.

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